Monday, December 15, 2008

How To Make A Homemade Sterio

Partners (as):
invite you to the fourth session of our Chairs Parallel where Oscar Sepulveda, will show his class with a presentation entitled "Explore, fight, win!: A historical approach to the experience militant Cord Students Revolutionary PaR Metropolitan Region. 2002-2005. Herencia rebellious and subversive in the current Chilean youth.. "

See you on Tuesday December 16 in Room 768 of the USACH (next to the facade, in front of the Planetarium) at 19:15 hours.

Invites Student-USACH resistance.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Confidential Fax Cover Sheet


Partners (as):

invite you to the third session of our Chairs Parallel where Patricio Lagos, will show his class with a paper entitled "On the construction of student organization in early 1990."

See you on Tuesday 09 December in Room 768 of the USACH (next to the facade, in front of the Planetarium) at 19:15 hours.

Invites Student-USACH resistance.

Burgandy Carpet What Colour Curtains


Cost To Construct Squash Rooms


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Best Tattoos Genitals


As many (as) should know, on 3, 4, and December 5 USACH live a "historic" (sic) plebiscite. But what is behind this act as "transcendental "?...

1. Statutes proposals.

First of all we must clarify existing statutes proposals, they are 2: A and B.

The fundamental difference between the proposals A and B is the way they choose to single-person authorities of the University (Rector, Deans and Academic Directors.) Option A suggests that these elections are triestamentales by a weighted vote (65% Academic 25% 15% Students and Staff). The voting weights of the 3 estates are based on established criteria for university reform in the late sixties. This option has the support of a sector of scholars (mostly activists of the Coalition), the Bureau of the Federation of Students (FEUSACH) and the Student Council. Option B proposes to keep things as they have been until now, that is, single-person authorities are chosen by a select group of academics.

But where does the new Statutes? The proposals stem from a commitment statutes "triestamental" formed in 2006. Since its inception the USACH officials refused to participate because they felt it was just a new strategy on the part of Dean, to delay and end the conflict. Students, meanwhile, were conspicuous by their absence at the meetings of the committee. Then this year, there were these proposals to the bylaws ... as you can see the discussion triestamental not exist.

2. The Leopard of the plebiscite and the illusion of participation.

As discussed in the Leopard that this referendum will accomplish is "to change everything and change nothing" and that in the best, if he won the option A2 is not guaranteed and will change the "dream college", as posed by (as) partner (s) of Weapons of Criticism (LAC) in a recent statement "(...) the percentages pretendn or added staff and students can counterbalance academics, which we know many of them prefer to defend the current model of university to serve the business and the market, if not, why had submitted the proposal as a body B .... " It should be clear that (as) owners (as) of power and wealth (or in this case the University) will never make any concessions to change the status quo (we think this is one of the lessons learned from the coup) so why this referendum is financed and organized as they are doing to change "history"? They do it simply to endure this state of things under the illusion of participation "citizen", as is done at national level elections, for that Dean and his followers to give money for propaganda FEUSACH the referendum (with a true team plebiscite by the Communist Youth JJ.CC.) and the wages of private lunches, outside the U.S., for our leaders of Student Centers (eccentric contractions), and so they "discuss" without their bases career or assemblies, which option is more appropriate. In other words develop a co-opting the more brazen all the student organization and student political organizations that lend to it forming a sort of "holy crusade" for the referendum: from right to those who consider themselves the Revolutionary Left All Student Council members.

As mentioned above, if the option A2 was the winner and the student movement had a big win (sic) will be able to meet the organic requirements of the "New Democracy "?... We (as) and Student Resistance (RE) We think not, because for us (as) there is no movement Student mented by the traditional left, so if there are students organized but in large part, as we have seen in this statement, are co-opted by this order of things. Moreover, with few exceptions (like some assemblies in a few races), there is no space for discussion and resolution real.

3. The illusion of integration of the excluded.

Why JJ.CC., other organizations and lend themselves to be co-opted? The militant youths of the Coalition for the game are rendered plebiscite is not surprising since they have the same goals: maintaining the status quo and have some place in a Ministry of Bachelet (just see where "work" the former presidents of the FEUSACH militants of the Socialist Youth, JS).

For the JJ.CC., beyond the "privileges" or "guarantees" that may give the U, the strategy outlined in view of the upcoming presidential election and its inclusion in the political system of representation parliamentary, win and win seats to lead a popular movement there instead of striving and working towards the creation of a new People's Movement and revolutionary class character. Privileging the agreements with those who promote this unjust system, rather than organize, fight and build a different society. That is the logic of "construction" of the JJ.CC and his party.

In the case of other persons and / or organizations, its commitment to maintain the status quo is given by its deconstitution as Collective Social Subjects, as part of a class (unless it is bourgeois right), then privilege false promises future of farming in college or social mobility ... In other words they see the political agenda as something for personal gain, not as a collective benefit for the benefit of its class.

For Officials and formal organization, the Association of the University of Santiago de Chile (AFUSACH), they are the most affected in terms of employment for both statutes because none are guaranteed as a Public Officer as it states: "The staff of the University of Santiago de Chile, whatever their role, have the dignity and the quality of public official. Be governed by special rules issued by the Corporation, by the laws that make direct reference to the institution and, additionally, common laws for all public employee. ". That is, well tomorrow, working relationships between officials and USACH are governed by the referee of the administration for the University in important respects as job stability, which is why the AFUSACH to postpone the plebiscite called for the drafting and rinse the items in which they raised their employment status.

5. Without struggle there is no victory.

The honest calling of our organization is to report modest behind this referendum: the desire of current university leaders stay in power, change everything to change nothing, co-opt the entire outline of organization (whether of students, Officials and / or Academic) independent of their interests and legitimate elections as the only form of struggle to achieve the aspirations of those who want to change this state of affairs, as established politicians on the right and the Concertación (with some support from the Left) in the 1988 plebiscite. Although we believe that turnout in the real circus is going to be scarce, call not to vote in this referendum to override a way to legitimize and understand politics as an exercise to serve the interests of the ruling classes or service interests.

For our organization the only way to avoid falling into the mirage of the powerful, is fighting, and construction organization in our spaces daily through all forms we invent. First, the task is politicized in a broad, deep and up to our immediate environment and extended (population, worker), understanding the task and the systematic and effective dissemination of our thinking, the contradictions of the model, the ability to think, question and criticize the tax, to take sides in the class struggle. Assume the task of ideological thrust to our class.

Secondly, the task is to organize the construction of the organic bases of the "People politicized" on all sides to create organizations based on the needs of a particular kind of place to go giving partial fighting against this system and those who support. Today

proposed changes should go into real generating more discussion and these spaces of empowerment the group should be generating their own people in sight is that of creating, step by step, the University of serving the needs of poor people and a society in which the greatest of joys to embrace us all (as).



student resistance-USACH
e Email:

Santiago, December 3, 2008.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Discharge From Bladder


Partners (as):

invite you to the second session of our Chairs Parallel where Dr. Igor Goicovic, Director of Master in History USACH, will present its class a paper entitled "Student movement and resistance antidictatorial, 1980"

See you on Tuesday 02 December in the room USACH 768 (next to the facade, in front of the Planetarium) at 19:15 hours.

Invites Student-USACH resistance.