Saturday, March 26, 2011

Miosotis And Milena Vids

¡EXpectacular appointment betetera FXR "the Portals - Tour of Montserrat with it variations penguin!

FXR appointment mountain bike along the route of "Portals - Tour of Montserrat amb variants as Penguin" has been brutalísima !

The atmosphere lived and X pectacular and incredible journey, showing once again the magic of this mountain so close to Barcelona (an example, the dog-boa:))

Sandrix and Neus thank the effort in developing the safe route and repeat it soon these next few months. Endorphin Rush, Monegros! YeeeaaaXXX !


the millor PD-I is that ..... end acabat tot hem ben esfingits :-) @ s!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Low Wbc, B12, Ferritin

FXR in the race Alba also on 8 May.

On 8 May is a Sunday where l @ s @ s efequiser be well presented in several trials. Among others, the Ocean X a cyclist Terra Remences (info here) and also in the XXIII Cursa de l'Alba.

is a mountain course with arrival and departure Collbató and running along the great mountain of Montserrat. This is a very demanding test because, over 24km, 1000m of positive slope. The course's highest point peak in Montserrat St. Jerome, an e X spectacle!

this week are open enrollment and in this case was closed quickly. More than a efequiser @ already registered for if we do not spend what does not happen often;). In

attends page you can read all the info:


PD-and soon the schedule of April. Among several appointments 17 / 4 10km the Llagosta, 25 / 4 Canovelles 15km and ... the 1st FXR ADBR ?¿?¿? ;)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Waxing Legs With Periods

FXR BIKE OUT THE SATURDAY 26/03: AROUND THE MONTSERRAT - The Portals with variants "it penguin

propane tenim nova dissabte 26 btter quoted FXR noncompetitive per deixa ben les brutes donor bikes muntanya Cycling fantàXtica the mountain!
Here you can read all information on this map, provided by the Sandrix that encircle the entire Mont X wrong paths of the operation of the Portals 11 April (where FXR also be present) and also improved with some variations. At 9am

stay Monistrol. We find the stop of Railways is on the other side of town, across the river (not zipper!). Clicking here you can find the exact spot. There is a small park avenue that allows comfortably.

Then tracks and take a path toward the Puda, Esparreguera Collbató, heather and the way the battles to Can Masana. This is the point where lunch. After you have 6 km of road and eventually inevitable tornarmem Monistrol to take a track again. 16h-17h on return to the starting point.

is a demanding path difference (accumulated + = about 1100) and kilometers (55km), but very, very beautiful, with fantastic views of the great Montserrat. As these trips are not a competition and the goal is going to enjoy all of you together this e X pectacular route.

must bring your breakfast, lunch, basic tools to repair, warm clothing if necessary, camera pictures;, etc.).

If this date does not go well in April will repeat out by colleagues of UESMAP Union (St. Martin Hiking Provençals).

To close the post you can see some of these FXR-fotox UESMAP Collserola for this Sunday 13 and even making a video of bike aquatic clik here :)))))


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Griffindor Scarf Toronto

The organization will lead us to victory PRESUMED GUILTY