Thursday, September 30, 2010

Who Is Luna From Bang Bros?

abolitionist in the Public Hearing on Bill 044, 2009

Hearing Public held on Thursday 30 September at the Congress, on Bill 044, 2009, which amends Law 84 of 1989 National Animal Protection Regulations of Colombia, was the involvement of many groups and collective defense of animals, which fortunately had in general a message unit and feedback on various points of the bill. Natural Resistance

had a small operation which, rather than emphasize the exploitation regulations, made clear the need to start working on speeches and actions that lead to the abolition of animal exploitation. The text above is as follows:

Psychologist Intervention Carlos Crespo, founding member of the Natural Resistance (REN) - For a Culture of animal liberation. ________

Observational learning is one of the main ways by which children and youth acquire behaviors thoughts, values \u200b\u200band social principles.

What are we teaching?

What are they learning from us / as?

Answer: Discrimination based on species (Speciesism). That humans are the only ones worthy of privilege and moral.

key here is the popular saying "Do unto others / as what you do not want for yourself to"

Humans are animals, just another one of billions on the planet, all animals are sentient beings and are capable of suffering pain and pleasure.

Who gave us humans the power to exploit other species? Abuse power and intelligence doubtful he did so and who knows how long it will continue. This is not morally right, or better, if a company is just totally unfair.

The spirit of some regulations and laws aimed at non-human animals are identical to those of humans, at least in terms of basic rights are concerned.

is the regulation of human exploitation? We do not, the story has abolished at least on paper.

Why then do we keep talking at this time to regulate the exploitation of animals?

is time to start thinking about the abolition of animal exploitation, starting with not allowing any embarrassing exceptions in Article 7, Chapter 3 of Act 84 of 1989.

is time that our children watch and learn of us as adults attitudes of equality and freedom.

animals should not be owned by anyone and this status should begin to be debated from now.

animal liberation is time.

If you love freedom, we free our slaves.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Increased Urination Before Ovulation


Sunday October 3, 2010

National Park - Bogota - 10 AM

Today we went out to the streets march for the defense of all animals and rejected its holding.

Historically human societies have considered other living beings as property and have moved, used, enslaved and exterminated for their own benefit. The destructive impact that humans are causing the planet, its ecosystems and the creatures that inhabit is increasingly evident. So many people and institutions have been neglected, ignored and even ridiculed this reality, mankind must undertake, so imminent, debt and responsibility to life on Earth.

The message today we want to give to society and their ruling is a wake-up call and a demand for justice for animals.

A wake-up call about the extreme and unnecessary suffering we are causing animals daily, directly or indirectly, through the consumer lifestyle, due to the industrialization of our own economic system, which provides entertainment at the expense of pain in animals (bullfighting, cockfighting, animal circuses and zoos, among others), the acceptance of capricious and cruel behavior as the purchase and possession of wild animals, the neglect and indifference to the mistreatment of animals (dogs and cats) are considered merchandise to wear and tear, the indiscriminate use and in most cases unnecessary for the industry and scientific organizations, military and educational make animal experimentation macabre exploitation of animals in farms and industries of animal products (such as food, clothing, toiletries and beauty) that most of the human population consumes daily, the status of animals absurd "workers" (as in the animal-drawn vehicles), among other situations that only show deplorable indolence, selfishness and anthropocentrism of man against other species.

We also demand justice for animals, because they, like humans, are living beings capable of feeling pain, pleasure and pain. If as citizens we want to build a peaceful, dignified, just and civilized, we have to include animals and the environment in our circle of moral consideration. Therefore we must urgently take responsibility to eliminate abuse and cruelty against animals, and replace them with attitudes, thoughts, behaviors, rights, laws and public policies that recognize their intrinsic value, being subjects of a life that involves interests and needs.

We are a growing social force, calling for the abolition of animal slavery, eliminate its use in day to day and assume them as equal. Already in certain parts of the world leaders have heard the voice of the people who defended and promoted animal laws in their favor, this trend can not be ignored by the Colombian state must assume its duty in creating public policies to prohibit and punish acts of cruelty and exploitation against animals, implement educational processes and raise public awareness about it.

In a country that has suffered the consequences of war and inequality, build a nation that respects all living things will achieve a more sensible, harmonious, free and equal and, of course, more peaceful.

life, liberty and welfare of the animals are in our hands!


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pokemon Blue Vba Cheats

Save A Friend

Salva a friend is a volunteer group that promotes finding homes for companion animals, puppies and kittens that arrive to Bogotá Zoonoses Center, an agency of the Ministry of Health Bogotá where these animals are abandoned by their families and if they are not adopted in a time defined by this entity are killed by their officials. There are different races, crossed the vast majority are large, medium and small. Http://

(If someone has power to issue any television service open or closed, you can contact me and I extend a broadcast quality version.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

220 Outlet Does Not Work

Love and Anarchy

A k t r to to s B or g l BLACK SHEEP has

Bulletin Anarchist

Vol. 1

Get your own widget and share anywhere!

Download black sheep here to print and photocopy as flyer

! They have VIP reservations in "hell"!

Cartoons Wit Big Booties

It may seem strange that the question of love and all those that are related worry so much about a large number of men and women while other problems are more urgent, if not more important, they should grab all the attention and all the activity of those who seek the way to remedy the ills of mankind.

daily people found crushed under the weight of existing institutions, people forced to eat badly and threatened every moment to fall into deeper poverty for lack of work or as a result of disease, people is unable to properly raise their children, who die often lack the necessary care, people condemned to spend his life without a single day control of herself, always at the mercy of the employers or the police, people for whom the right to have a family and the right to love is a bloody irony, however, does not accept the means they propose to escape the political and economic slavery without first explain how we know, in a libertarian society, the need to love and find satisfaction in what way understand the organization of the family. Naturally, this concern is widening and neglect and even despise the other problems in people who have resolved, particularly the problem of hunger and are in normal position to meet the most pressing needs because they live in an atmosphere of relative affluence.

This is explained as the place that holds immense love in the moral and material life of man, as in the home, the family is where the man spends most and best part of his life. And it is also explained by a tendency toward the ideal that takes away the human spirit as soon as you open to consciousness.

While he suffers unknowingly suffering, without seeking the remedy and without rebelling, live like brutes, accepting life as as is.

But from start to think and realize that their ills are not due to insurmountable natural fatalities, but human causes that men can destroy, then experience a need for perfection and will, ideally at least, enjoy a society in which harmony reigns absolute and that the pain is gone completely and forever.

This trend is very useful as it pushes to move forward, but becomes harmful if, with the pretext that they can achieve perfection and it is impossible to eliminate all hazards and defects , advises us to neglect the potential for further achievements in the current state.

Now and then we say we have no solution to remedy the ills that come from love, because you can not destroy social reforms, even with a change of habits. Are determined by deep feelings, we could say physiological, man and can not be modified, when they are, but by a slow evolution and in a way that we can not foresee.

We want freedom, we want men and women to love and free to join no other reason than love, without any legal violence, economic or physical.

But freedom, even though the only way we can and must offer not radically solve the problem, given that love, to be met, needs two freedoms that are consistent and often not agree in any manner, and given also that the freedom to do what you want is a phrase devoid of meaning when it is not known to want anything.

is easy to say: "When a man and a woman love each other, unite, and when they cease to love, are separated." But it would be necessary to that this principle should become generally safe and happy, to be loved and cease to love both at the same time. What if no one loves and is loved? What if one still loves and one no longer loves him and tries to meet a new passion? What if you love at the same time several people who can not adapt to this promiscuity?

"I am ugly," he told us once a friend, "What shall I do if nobody wants to love me?" The question moved to laughter, but also allows us a glimpse of real tragedies.

And another, concerned with the same problem Decianus: "Today, whether I do not find love, buy it, if I have to save my bread. What will I do when there are no women to be sold? "The question is horrible, it shows the wish for human beings by hunger forced into prostitution, but it is also terrible ... and terribly human.

Some say that the remedy might lie in the radical abolition of the family, the abolition of the sexual partner more or less stable, reducing the physical act of love only, or rather, transforming it with the sexual union in addition , in a sense similar to friendship, to recognize the multiplicity, variety, the contemporary of affection.

What about children? ... Children of all.

Can the family be abolished? Is it desirable that it be?

foremost Let us observe that, despite the regime of oppression and falsehood that has prevailed and still prevails in the family, this has been and remains the biggest factor in human development because the family is where the normal man sacrifices himself for man and meets the good for good, wanting compensation other than the love of the partner and children.

But, we are told, after eliminating the issues of interest, all men are brothers and love each other.

certainly is not hate; true that the feeling of sympathy and solidarity would develop a lot and that the general interest of the men would become an important factor in determining the behavior of each .

But this is not yet love. Love the whole world looks a lot like not love anybody.

We can perhaps help, but we can not mourn all the trouble, because our lives are full of tears and slip, however, tears of sympathy is the sweetest consolation to a heart that suffers. The statistics on deaths and births can offer interesting information to meet the needs of society, but does not say anything to our hearts. We are physically impossible to sadden every man who dies and rejoice at every birth.

And if you love someone more deeply than others, if there be one for which we are not particularly willing to sacrifice, if you know no other love this love moderate, vague, almost theoretical, that we feel for all, would not life be less rich, less fertile, less beautiful? Would this not diminished human nature in its most beautiful drives? Did not we would be deprived of the deepest pleasures? Would not it be unfortunate?

Moreover, love is what it is. When love feels strongly the need for contact, exclusive possession of the beloved.

Jealousy, included in the best sense of the word, seem to form and are usually a single thing with love. The fact may be unfortunate, but can not be changed at will, even at the will of that person's suffering.

For us, love is a passion that begets itself tragedies. These tragedies are not translated more, indeed, brutal violence and if the man had the feeling of respect for the liberty of others, if I had enough command over himself to understand that evil is not remedied with a larger one, and if the opinion public was not, as today, so indulgent to crimes of passion, but the tragedy would not be so less painful.

While men have feelings they have, and a change in the economic and political development of society does not seem sufficient to entirely alter-love at the same time produce great joys and great sorrows. We can reduce or mitigate, the elimination of all causes that can be removed, but complete destruction is impossible.

Is this a reason to not accept our ideas and wanting to remain in its current state? This would act as one not being able to buy fine clothes he preferred to go naked, or not being able to eat every day partridges resign bread, or as a doctor, given the impotence of current science to certain diseases, it refuses to heal those that are curable.

eliminate the exploitation of man by man, we address the claim brutal male believed to be the owner of the female, fight religious bigotry, social and sexual, we are sure all men, women and children , welfare and freedom, are spreading the statement and then we can rightly rejoice if there are no more evil than love.

However, the unfortunate in love may acquire other joys, it does not happen like today, that love and alcohol are the only consolations for the majority of humanity.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Madeira Naturism Info

Constitutional Court ruling on bullfighting and cockfighting

applaud the courageous and conscientious management of the magistrates court STREET VICTORIA MARIA CORREA, JORGE GABRIEL IVAN PALACIO PALACIO EDUARDO MENDOZA and Martel, who expressed dissenting vote respect to the mistaken and ambiguous decision to the court constitutional on bullfighting and cockfighting.

failure and can be found at:

recommend reading with a magnifying glass to look what is the best option as a step forward. Since the referendum proposal, but should be discussed in depth to see whether other options may also be feasible and effective.

In any case, our goal is always the ANIMAL LIBERATION.

Resistance Natural