Monday, September 27, 2010

Increased Urination Before Ovulation


Sunday October 3, 2010

National Park - Bogota - 10 AM

Today we went out to the streets march for the defense of all animals and rejected its holding.

Historically human societies have considered other living beings as property and have moved, used, enslaved and exterminated for their own benefit. The destructive impact that humans are causing the planet, its ecosystems and the creatures that inhabit is increasingly evident. So many people and institutions have been neglected, ignored and even ridiculed this reality, mankind must undertake, so imminent, debt and responsibility to life on Earth.

The message today we want to give to society and their ruling is a wake-up call and a demand for justice for animals.

A wake-up call about the extreme and unnecessary suffering we are causing animals daily, directly or indirectly, through the consumer lifestyle, due to the industrialization of our own economic system, which provides entertainment at the expense of pain in animals (bullfighting, cockfighting, animal circuses and zoos, among others), the acceptance of capricious and cruel behavior as the purchase and possession of wild animals, the neglect and indifference to the mistreatment of animals (dogs and cats) are considered merchandise to wear and tear, the indiscriminate use and in most cases unnecessary for the industry and scientific organizations, military and educational make animal experimentation macabre exploitation of animals in farms and industries of animal products (such as food, clothing, toiletries and beauty) that most of the human population consumes daily, the status of animals absurd "workers" (as in the animal-drawn vehicles), among other situations that only show deplorable indolence, selfishness and anthropocentrism of man against other species.

We also demand justice for animals, because they, like humans, are living beings capable of feeling pain, pleasure and pain. If as citizens we want to build a peaceful, dignified, just and civilized, we have to include animals and the environment in our circle of moral consideration. Therefore we must urgently take responsibility to eliminate abuse and cruelty against animals, and replace them with attitudes, thoughts, behaviors, rights, laws and public policies that recognize their intrinsic value, being subjects of a life that involves interests and needs.

We are a growing social force, calling for the abolition of animal slavery, eliminate its use in day to day and assume them as equal. Already in certain parts of the world leaders have heard the voice of the people who defended and promoted animal laws in their favor, this trend can not be ignored by the Colombian state must assume its duty in creating public policies to prohibit and punish acts of cruelty and exploitation against animals, implement educational processes and raise public awareness about it.

In a country that has suffered the consequences of war and inequality, build a nation that respects all living things will achieve a more sensible, harmonious, free and equal and, of course, more peaceful.

life, liberty and welfare of the animals are in our hands!



Anonymous said...

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