Monday, October 11, 2010

6 Month Old And Morning Cough

K and Zero in the global march for animal rights Pictures

animal pain - Animals Kontra
free wall - anarcho resistance

Groans of pain are shaking the world
A system operator, starts another turn
Machine does not stop its production lines
living beings fall, killed without mercy.

Factories and companies, blind
beat every day in the society in complicity
insensitive world
valid inequality as things
Animals sentenced to speciesism.

filthy brutality, savage capitalism, animal pain
The business of life, as raw material: free animals

neither employers nor the owners, we break the chains
beings not subjected,
bias fault Nobody owns anything, let alone life
Domain only be, a being about himself

No slavery be tolerated
exploitation can not be negotiated
Unable to sleep is no real hierarchy
is in your hands: Animal Liberation!


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