Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tingling At Base Of My Neck

I ran for the 2012

I ran for the 2012
Ever heard of 2012 as a year that something will happen? Well, first there are several prophecies that indicate this date as an important point in the history of mankind, but the most significant is the end of the Mayan calendar, whose prophecy has been interpreted in different ways, the most negative thinking that year the world ends, but it will not, it is known that this year begins a new era, the Age of Aquarius. The truth is that the planet is changing its state of vibration and this change has intensified since 1989 where the magnetic poles moved last 20 years that had not happened in thousands of years. If there is a change in the magnetism of the earth, there is a change not only awareness but also to adapt physically to this new vibration. The changes are not only our planet, but that affect the entire universe, and science hoyAƱadir an event today can announce it. Learn about changes in solar storms (which are magnetic storms) and you'll see that scientists are aware of these things, or ask a flyer about the displacement of the magnetic poles in recent years, as the airports have had to modify their instruments.

This change in magnetism is reflected as an increase of light, an increase of the planetary vibration. I go to understand more easily know that this vibration is affected and intensified by the conscience of all human beings. Every thought, every emotion, every new awakening of someone God-consciousness raises the vibration of the planet. This may seem a paradox, since most people see around more hatred and misery, but it is not.

I've been saying in previous postings, each choose where to focus his eyes, see only darkness those who are focused on the drama, pain and injustice. If you do not see the spiritual progress of humanity has had is because you have not focused on it, but if you do the right job and free your mind from negative will open a space where you can manifest your divine essence that will put the focus of what is really happening in humanity and the planet. We are raising our consciousness as never before.

What! ... Can not you see the dark? I can say ...

Yes, I see, but do not identify with it, do not fear .... How am I going to fear the dark if the light I see so clearly? ... of course I understand those who are afraid, because I was standing in that place where it just looked bad. That's why now I feel love for all.

Darkness is not a force that pushes you to be more bad or live with more hatred, darkness is not a force from the light, is the absence of light, you can not invade the dark light does not work and the principle of light. The fear, the drama, injustice, hatred and unhappiness states exist only in darkness, because you can not see the overall context in which your life unfolds, and the only way to see from the light when you're there is through of faith. Once you increase your frequency of vibration (consciousness) into the darkness you will see and understand what you've experienced.

But ... How can you say that if the world is more evil every day? ...

No more evil ... so there is more light, and that's what I'm talking about in this posting.

Imagine you have a room or cellar for years where you keep your stuff and is illuminated by a 40W bulb. Change the bulb to a 100 w and you'll see what happens there. You see the mess and dust that you thought did not exist. The soil will be more clear. This is what is happening, and this is what makes possible that many will read this and not seem crazy as it might have been a few years ago.

Have you noticed that hoyAƱadir an event for today's lies and deceptions come to the surface faster than before? ... Well, access to the understanding of God and the workings of life is also faster than before.

This new vibration of the planet is one that has everyone nervous, depressed or ill, because in order to receive more light people must change both physically and mentally. They must sort out their cellars because every day I get more light into your consciousness and as much as they want help, they should choose to put to work and start cleaning or living in the middle of the pen.

This change causes physical pain in the bones that doctors can not solve because it is not a disease that causes. You say it's stress and it is not, it is accumulated negative emotions, these fears and anxieties, it is the dust accumulated for years now are looking to be cleaned.
There will be nights when you wake up and reveal a few hours. Do not fret, read a book, meditate, do not fight thinking that something is wrong with you is the new planetary vibration absorbing you, you'll go to sleep and the next day not feel lack of sleep. If you channel

While this process will be more intense pain and I diagnosed fibromyalgia, which is a name that medicine has given these pains that have no apparent cause and those who do not propose any concrete results therapy alone is prescribed antidepressants to evade the opportunity to change your life.

Again you choose what you really want to live, only this time the drama is more intense and of course the love too. If the light increases, so does the lack it, this explains why there is so much senseless violence in recent years.

We are living the best time that humanity has ever lived, and players will witness the biggest transformation of consciousness ever imagined. Learn

, awakens your concern about these issues, science knows that something is happening, you know that something is happening, be aware actor these days, do not get caught scared because you do not know what happens. Sai Baba


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