Thursday, February 3, 2011

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Why the Arabs they can topple governments in Mexico still bourgeois and playing the elections? What

Pedro Echeverría

1. "Cornered after four days of massive protests against his government "The Media" Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, announced Friday 28, after midnight to replace its entire government with one that takes up new duties.

Mubarak made the announcement in a televised address, in his first speech since the protests against his rule that erupted last Tuesday and intensified yesterday, a day in clashes with police that left 29 dead, 800 injured and at least thousand detainees. Despite Mubarak's announcement, scores of people defied the curfew. " Egypt's revolutionary mobilizations are continuing battles of the people of Tunisia achieved in a few days to overthrow his government. But we must conclude that the physical conditions between Egypt and Mexico are different and the level of consciousness as well.

2. How different? Egypt has had three governments: in the fifties and sixties Gamal Abdel Nasser, who led a fact-independence revolution, agrarian and oil also had an unaligned leftist government, Anwar el-Sadat in the seventies ruling siding with the U.S. and pulling many previous and current reforms, Mubarak, which amounts to the government after the assassination in 1981 and continues the policy of surrender of his predecessor. It has a land area that is half that of Mexico, but its population is greater than 80 million. By the dominance of the great desert concentration is in Cairo and its environs. The level of awareness of struggle has been developed by the various wars between countries in the region and the strong nationalism that live those countries where economic and religious wars between the U.S., Israel and Arab countries have had much presence.

3. Mexico is a very different story. Nasser took over the government in Egypt in 1952, the same year that Ruiz Cortines took office in Mexico. In this country there have been three governments in Mexico 10, the difference in numbers is not important because the 10 are part of a social class dictatorship only faces have changed but only 10 governments have favored employers and the same political class. But in Egypt elections are not important or very representative, do not believe the hopes and dreams that are created in Mexico. Nasser came to power by rebellion, el-Sadat and Mubarak death for murder, it is possible that this collapse by mass movement. In the Mexican Republic in six years time the government has given a "new gang" that has been exactly like this, which even seems to correspond to the same political ladder built from parents to children and relatives.

4. The thousands or tens of thousands of young people have seen on TV and newspapers, leading battles against the armies and police repression in North Africa, non-ossified political parties or organizations controlled by governments. According to foreign press has published these battles, both in Europe and in Tunisia and Cairo, are led by young people of different political persuasions, mainly anarchists, socialists, radicals and libertarians, who do not seek to replace a ruler dismal political other, but fighting against capitalism, war and U.S. imperialism. The reality is that throughout the Arab region, in which exert total control oil billionaires, is almost impossible to find independent governments, although popular with their religion, mobilize masses.

5. What role has the U.S. at these demonstrations? First try to use it as an instrument of pressure against the government, these actions are not in the U.S., but we must not forget that each country has tens of thousands of agents spies for the CIA, the Pentagon, U.S. army are fully aware of the springs that give life to these movements. U.S. acts as an adviser while supporting force of the established government, sells the number of weapons needed to curb any rising, but at the same time seeking stoke the conflict to gain more presence in power. Obama himself, reporting to the economy class and U.S. policy, said yesterday that his government has regained confidence in the world and is ready to move forward. As if that was the first task: "to regain lost confidence."

6. Although we are not yet aware of the movement of weapons, we must not forget that the U.S. business has always been selling weapons to both sides of the conflict in each country. As in the first and second war, the Yankees do not have control of its huge production of weapons or forces initially defined by one of the sides because the important thing is always the business. In Mexico sold weapons to the dictator Diaz and revolutionaries and now Calderon and sell arms to drug traffickers, as Catholics would say, "are well provided with god and the devil." Or do the wealthy as Slim, Azcarraga, Salinas Pliego, when they divide the money for campaigns do not give money to the PRI, PAN on one side and the other as well as to other parties? For them not a problem of moral or belief but business. And the sale of U.S. weapons is one of the largest income.

7. The reality is that no one, unless he was mad or was a good arms dealer may be in favor of arms sales, wars, kidnappings, violent actions, death. But nobody should be in favor of a peace which rests on exploitation, oppression and misery. That peace, that have called in Mexico "the peace of the graveyard, only benefits those in power, money, government, how can people transform their lives in countries where they are fighting for decades and centuries get decent living conditions and the response has always been NO!? Only through uprisings, rebellions, revolutions. So the example spreads in North Africa and can be extended to Asia, Europe and America is very important at this time. But we must be vigilant that the U.S. empire does not take advantage of these joints for strength.


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