Thursday, February 10, 2011

Surgery For Bunionette

Carmen Aristegui.

PUBLIC SQUARE. Miguel Angel Granados Chapa

Reform February 10, 1911

journalist expelled from MVS has reached out to the dealership and offered back to its newscast Monday morning if he reimburses his professional reputation and ethics
Carmen Aristegui the termination of his professional contract with MVS, the radio company of the Vargas family, rather than abandon their personal and professional dignity reading a text of apology that she had not written or subscribe. After the dealer tried to justify what was a dismissal (put the journalist against a false dilemma, because there was only one word to choose) accusing it of violating the code of ethics (which, incidentally, she proposed and accepted the station) to present a rumor as news.

That certainly did Carmen Aristegui. It departed from a news event (the scandal in the House of Representatives by the placement of a provocative message that implies that President Calderón is a drinker) and she placed it in context and took out a conclusion. He said the rumor about the presidential alcoholism was widespread, as it is, what could be seen in the social networks that comply, and both like the government itself and its partners. And asked why from the Presidency issued a statement not to leave the passage of sound. It was clearly an editorial comment, lawful in the format of the program argued, with increasing success, for over two years. Or presented to the public as a novelty, much less said that the President drinks.

Carmen was ready, when he was informed that his statement was perceived as an insult, to apologize for her, for the wrong he had suffered the affected, since the intent of the program is to report and analyze events and not offend anyone ever, or the President or any listener. But he was required to contradict itself, as a way of relieving the irritation caused by his words. He demanded an understandable reaction only when it has broken a taboo, when there has been a profanity when it has committed blasphemy. Sort

output Carmen Aristegui is famous as the diagnosis rather than a crime, stupid. It was a decision we all lose and win only those who wish to remove the hindrance of a broadcast fresh, heard increasingly the more accurate were their approaches, which practiced the motto adopted by the concessionaire when it agreed with the journalist and driving the creation of a daily program of information and analysis: free as the wind, free as never before, in clear reference to the dismissal of Carmen de XEW. Petty gain that also savored the defeat of a form of journalism who are unable to exercise. Earn authoritarianism which makes the different view and argues that the presidential figure must be in a niche where not touch unattainable reality, let alone with their brutal acts, but even with what is said on the street.

woman's dignified and exceptional journalist yesterday announced its position. With opinion wise, that is his nature, placed the problem of redundancy in a field More broadly, the risk to democracy and economic competition from the fact that presidentialism, as has-been for the better, yet have tools that allow you to keep guessing employers who do not suit their purposes and interests. Several resolutions on radio and television, and the most extensive telecommunications, MVS has promoted for years depend on a presidential decision, because the requirements have been met and satisfied the legal conditions. Carmen claimed, therefore, that a legal issue to be turned into political issue by the discretion to be exercised by the President.

also recalled that the Mexican journalist who excels on American television, Jorge Ramos, asked point-blank to President Fox, echoing a rumor related to an alleged addiction president if he took Prozac. Surprised by the openness of the question, Fox replied immediately and unambiguously with a resounding no. No statement of victim, and asked to remove that part of the recording. Just took the opportunity to leave the path of a rumor, that matters as part of the perceptions that a company intends to explain its environment.

journalist reached out to the company to reverse the effects of the events that occur in addition to street expressions of discontent, a loud collective conversation through social networks, which deprives the requirement that the program returns to normal, with Carmen Aristegui to the head. Only requested compensation for his public reputation by two steps, the first to formally withdraw the statement in which he identifies as infringing, and the second issue another position in the opposite direction, where ethical values \u200b\u200band professional integrity.

The Vargas family, owners of MVS, is thus in a position to undo the mess. It is not clear what happened, end impossible, but to take advantage of it, instead of just damage. This family, prominent in the radio medium which deprives mediocrity, had the clarity to know two years ago, the social and commercial value of having the character of Carmen Aristegui in front of his morning broadcast. You can now endorse the opinion of the professional status of the journalist to accept their condition. Be strengthened to the public and, consequently, to the government and the interests it seeks, successfully, into submission.


Day after day, killing two musicians central to the understanding of that portion of the culture of Mexican creativity. On Tuesday died at age 56, Eugenio Toussaint, singer and songwriter. His contributions to jazz, from For decades, most recently to the conventionally known classical music concert or what stood in the center of attention of the public sector that values \u200b\u200band enjoys these terms. The next day, yesterday, died Salvador Ojeda, better known as The Black, the September 19, 2009 "took the rest" as he told the owner and his last public appearance, when he thought to be the end of his career. Still lived to be 80 in January. Pianist, guitarist, percussionist, revelers, their creations as a composer and performer of sones and boleros they will be there forever.


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