Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sleeve Gastrectomy Gastroparesis

The Awakening. DF

Tour on the eastern edge
Jose Agustin Ortiz Pinchetti

Last Sunday I went with Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and Alejandro Encinas Rodriguez on a tour of the eastern edge of the state Mexico. A densely populated territory become a bedroom community where residents monstrous millions who work, are educated or thrive in the capital. It is a region that votes on the left, if not control all divided municipalities. In 2006 AMLO won all districts.

The tour came amid dust storms that sweep the basin at this time. The four meetings were a success. Almost twice as many people that AMLO's first tour in late 2010. In all there was a colorful and lively crowd. Here also operate games that led to many people. The organization, facilities and order, clean.

Alejandro Encinas is a strong candidate. Was strengthened in the difficult position of head of government, become a national figure. Followed a few lines of AMLO, but imposed his own label. The tour

watched as combined presence and speeches. Forceful rhetoric that follows very different people pinned to the grim borne concentrations of the Institutional Revolutionary Party. The immediate supply signed by both is set up 10 social assistance programs that are in force in the capital. None in the state of Mexico, despite 140 billion budget, the highest institution of the Republic. All in the works screened, salaries and megacampaña to promote Enrique Peña Nieto.

Political tensions in the State of Mexico is just beginning. The movement Obrador (MORENA) grows. The alliance between the PRD and PAN is dead. National Action candidate does not appoint. Pena Nieto has not dedazo. Save time to define how the challenge of Encinas and AMLO.

We retired in good spirits at sunset. On the southern mountains of the valley lay a yellow atmosphere lemon. I was amazed at the beauty. The region 100 years ago preserved lakes and swamps that birds flew. There fisheries, neatly cultivated fields. A prosperous and beautiful world that nothing is left.

An overwhelming gray urban mass delete everything.

The crackers and political greed has destroyed the watershed. Greed is eating into Mexico.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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military incursions! "Do you agree?

Photo taken from La Jornada and text added by the singer-songwriter Raul Martell

Street: Michael Laurent, in Benito Juárez


Is this

a way to prepare the ground for that in 2012 the climate of fear and violence will not allow an election in which the right has everything to lose?, will you have to do with the fact that the capital remains the center of various manifestations social and political movements with a strong impact?, "state of siege in advance to justify foreign intervention at gunpoint? Do not forget that the latest revelations show a Fecal Wikileaks who rushed to Washington asking for "help" to "pacify" Juarez ( )

Meanwhile, Ebrard still playing the game right. Pablo Moctezuma sent me a comment of an event to be alert: 'Marcelo Ebrard and spun off the Deportivo Azcapotzalco and North Alameda to put private investment?? We must be careful ..... that great ... "

And I do not stop insisting on the way it has been working to try to suppress various marches and movements social and political capital. The following image is from October 2, in the annual march commemorating the massacre of students in Tlatelolco in 1968 ...


* The climax Gentlemen, go back, how can we do?

Mineko Kia

Read more

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Milena Velba Free Vidio

efequiser @!

The video efequiser @ s have already begun to prepare and get excited about us coming to the next February.

We'll meet at races like the mountain of Montserrat March 6th as the butifarunner 20. However, it will continue Saturday morning with small groups of quedades by bike from St. Stephen Sesrovires. And here a few weeks since we have the cycling kit Wanted! And as usual

any new proposal is welcome as this month is already beginning to tighten the schedule strength: duatlons, medium marathons, training for the marathon BCN, walking trails, mountain (possibly a specific day for 13 or 28), 10km of road racing, cycling gear, triathlons (in April is already the first of the season !!)...

not stop!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Toyo Tires Versus Michelin Tires

Calderón, "a danger to Mexico"

Author: Miguel Badillo. Contralínea magazine.
The health of the President of the Republic is a matter of national security. Their decisions affect, for better or for worse, the lives of Mexicans, and determine the political, economic and social with other countries. Therefore, the national security cabinet to worry about and deal with what happened a few days ago his boss Felipe Calderón, who, to a climate of terror and pressure by the threat of drug trafficking, has reached a mind to deny these facts and repeated insistently than before.

Two weeks ago, Calderon said in a dialogue with civil society organizations, who had never qualified as a "war" fighting the federal government holds against crime organized. Immediately, the media and exhibited denied the president-with photos and voice recordings-how since he came to Los Pinos has been repeated time and again that it is a "war" (sic) of the State against drug cartels.

This contradiction in the thinking of the Mexican president is not a minor thing and should be analyzed by a specialist medical staff, who must determine his state of physical and mental health for Congress to consider whether the chief executive is able to govern. Especially since the issue of organized crime and violence plaguing the country, with a balance of more than 34 000 performed in its four years of government, of which more than 15 000 were killed in 2010 - has been subjected to harsh criticism and pressure.

recall that some years ago, when they started their campaign for the presidency, Calderón mentioned the opposition candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador "a danger to Mexico" and a few months ago, in a radio interview, explaining the reason for this harsh statement, the president argued that the social hatred and anger of former candidate presidencialhabían contaminated a large sector of society.

now desperate adversarial and bipolar in its governance, Calderón is the one who must undergo a clinical trial to determine whether treatment is adequate health conditions continue to take decisions about the direction of the country that are best for losmexicanos, or clarify if he is who has become "a danger to Mexico."

In the United States, the State Department agrees with the urgent need to review if Calderon is able to govern. So he did know the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who, according to Wikileaks leaks on Mexico, asked in a cable dated December 2009 to report how they are affecting the personality of President FelipeCalderón and his way of ruling the adverse news of the "war" against drug trafficking and economic crisis in Mexico. Obama's government also believes that the mandatariomexicano can be a danger to U.S. national security.

a bipolar affective disorder
For reference, Wikipedia explains the disease of bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar disorder, formerly manic-depressive psychosis as is the psychiatric diagnosis that describes a disorder state of mind characterized by the presence of one or more episodes with abnormally High energy, cognition and mood.

adds that clinically is reflected in states of mania or, in milder cases, hypomania with concomitant or alternating episodes of depression, so that the affected is usually somewhere between joy and sadness in a much more marked than those who do not suffer from this condition.

general, says Wikipedia, has expression losneurotransmisores an electrochemical imbalance in the brain. Additionally, due to the characteristics of bipolar disorder, individuals have a higher risk of mortality due to causes natural, such as cardiovascular disease. Despite being considered a chronic disorder with high morbidity and mortality, comprehensive care that addresses all aspects involved, biological, psychological and social, can achieve complete remission of the crisis, hence the great importance of diagnosis the hit is correct.

The basic element for the treatment of bipolar disorder is the awareness of the problem, your knowledge on the part of the patient and their relatives through sicoeducaciónadecuada enable them to cope with the crisis, not unsubstantiated fears and Tools more valid, as well as prevent relapse.

personalized drug therapy, especially during the stages of imbalance, is another key. Benzodiazepines, antipsychotics and mood stabilizers are the drugs most used. Patterns of mood changes may be cyclical, often starting with a hobby that ends in a deep depression. Sometimes, they can dominate or manic episodes of depression. Some of these disorders are called "rapid cycling" because the mood can change several times within a very short period of time. Other times it is called "mixed state" in which thoughts depression may appear in an episode of mania or vice versa.

There are still two years to pass the current cabinet to retirement. If in 2010 there were over 15 000 deaths for 2011 and 2012 the level of violence could even be worse. It is therefore important that all decisions taken by Felipe Calderon are the best and, especially, are made with the best possible mental capacity. Read more

Monday, January 17, 2011

What Do Pistachio Trees Look Like

Saturday 22: SANE FXR TRAIL!

already have our first appointment of FXR Trail : the SANE TRAIL FXR !
This will this coming Saturday, 22 January 2011 . New year, new FXR Trail!

The SANE TRAIL FXR is a circuit of mountain approx . 30 km that travel the entire perimeter of St. Stephen Sesrovires . This circuit linking the greater part of circuits and the common efequiser @ s runnejem to this town in the Baix Llobregat .

The meeting point will Sports Complex of St. Stephen Sesrovires and time of onset will be the 16h . For this reason , part of Camelback with water food and energy ( bars, gels ... ) will essential and necessary the use front of as before completing the SANE TRAIL FXR will be dark.

And soon new FXR Trails: Castelltrailçol FXR, FXR Badatrail , and many more ...

not stop in 2011!

Pros On Sale Of Organs

Film Series: "Other Perspectives." The relationship between humans and other animals. EVENT

The film series "Other Viewpoints. The relationship between man and other animals "intends to enter into a dialogue in which they openly raise the issue of slavery other animals as a systematic phenomenon with distinctive features that support the exploitation of all species for the benefit of humans. Thus, it underestimates the other animals, as was done with human populations, "to justify their enslavement r, leaving aside the fact that every animal is capable of experiencing pain, have their own interests and therefore the priority is morally unacceptable interests of our species over other individuals.

Date: February 4, 2011 to February 25, 2011

5:00 pm

Free admission

Facebook Event

organizes and invites:

Natural Resistance - REN
" For a Culture of Animal Liberation "
http://www.resistenciantau /

Collective Icaroscopio Wings to Design a Better City"
http : / / icaroscopiocineclub . /

Manuel Zapata Olivella Library Tintal The
Avenida Ciudad de Cali No. 6 C - 09

Original title: To shoot an Elephant
Year: 2008
Country: Spain - Palestine
Duration: 112 minutes
Genre: Documentary
Director: Alberto Arce - Mohammad Rujailah

Original title: Animal
Year: 2007
Country: Spain
Duration: 90 minutes
Genre: Documentary
Director: Ángel Mora

Original Title: Earthlings
Year: 2006
Country: United States
Duration : 95 minutes
Genre: Documentary
Director: Shaun Monson

Original Title: Peaceable Kingdom
Year: 2004
Country: United States
Duration: 75 minutes
Genre: Documentary Director
Jenny Stein

Public Library Tunal
Calle 48 B Sur No. 21-13

Original title: The Year of the Dog
Year: 2007
Country: United States
Duration: 95 minutes
Genre: Plot
Director: Mike White

Original Title: Meat the truth
Year: 2009
Country: Netherlands
Duration: 77 minutes
Genre: Documentary
Director: Karen Soeters, Gertjan Zwanikken

Original Title: Behind the mask
Year: 2006
Country: United States
Duration: 72
minutes Genre: Documentary
Director: Shannon Keith

Original Title: Earthlings
Year: 2006
Country: United States
Duration: 95 minutes
Genre: Documentary
Director: Shaun Monson

Sunday, January 9, 2011

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The Awakening. Violence

The prospect of 2011

José A. Ortiz Pinchetti

There is no reason on the horizon to suggest that social and economic reality of Mexico will improve in 2011. The speeches of the recovery of Felipe Calderón "are increasingly worn propaganda. We have to wait that poverty is deepening and further reducing levels of welfare for 80 percent of Mexicans. Young people will continue to grow without hope. United States, as promised land, is increasingly distant. Many will be recruited by organized crime. Continue the daily anguish about the lack of work and by the famine and the spectacle of corruption, extortion, waste and impunity. The workers did not manage to form new unions that represent them and not really break the controls of equipment that were mechanisms PRI now perversely used by the PAN.

Pops "? possible. There will be riots in the society, but pockets of young armed exasperated. Its cause may be just, but will not have popular support and can be isolated and / or destroyed by the army and police. If you still can multiply and create new political phenomena.
The party situation is difficult. The PRI, as demonstrated in the last process to elect their president, has not forgotten nothing and learned nothing. It offers no hope for change. A Calderon and the PAN will be impossible to change economic policy to get popular support. Kept frozen guaranteed wages and tax privileges of interest groups, who are his true support. They are the real actors in the fight for the presidency in 2012. Now reluctant to support the PRI or vote again for the PAN. Calderon can not discount. Has many resources: attack the PRI and their corrupt ties to drug trafficking and try to divide the left.

in 2011 will clear the big question: progressive groups continue fighting each other with more fury than against their opponents? I believe that unity will prevail. Not ethics or ideology, but because the facts require it. Subscribe to this optimistic about the success of the brilliant play with which redefined the political space left in the state of Mexico.

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unstoppable: how long? Ebulá

C on the 56 murders that occurred yesterday in various entities of the national territory -27 of them in Acapulco, Guerrero, completes one of the bloodiest early years in recent times, with about 300 deaths in eight days, which even exceeds the number of killings during the same period in 2010 (around 280). We witness, therefore, to overcome a numerical quota of violence seemed insurmountable, and that in the last year reached a rate of more than a thousand murders on average per month, according to one's own official figures.

So far the present administration, none of the measures announced and adopted by the federal government has been anxious to counter the insecurity faced by the population, and is expressed in acts of cruelty and savagery increasing: on the contrary, it lying between people's perception that the central elements of the current government strategy against organized crime, beginning with the massive deployment of police and military in various institutions, have had adverse effects for the persecuted and exacerbated the manifestations of a crime that is present in increasingly horrific ways, in almost all parts of the country.

In such circumstances, the insistence of the official discourse on the need to change the public perception of safety, picked up by Felipe Calderón a few days ago, when sued consuls and ambassadors of our country, "put in perspective," the violence living in Mexico, is as irrelevant as the requests, open or veiled, of the public to society for it to be resigned to a continuation of violence for many years: in either case, the federal government spends ignore the many signs that point to the inability of the federal government to win the "war" against crime, which he ordered four years ago. Nor does much to present as indicators of "success" of the current drug strategy capture or killing of alleged drug lords, most recently the president, the fact is that neither the government nor the deadly persecution disputes between criminal strata, or between them and government forces have taken a toll on the criminal groups that bathe the area and blood defy the state in an increasingly clear and resolute.
The manifest failure of the current security policy does not support public and another course of action as self-criticism and honest review of it by the federal government, recognizing the complexity and scale of the problem it faces, and the corresponding shift in approaches and actions to combat crime: at the present time, the basic and main effort of the authorities should focus on preventing murders, uprisings, the abuses committed by all sides and insecurity continue to afflict the population, and this task should be realized not in a few months or within a few years, but in the short term.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What Are They Looking For With A Mri Of The Neck

judge of justice in 2011 Dawn

The case, one of the most serious types of violation of dd hh who met at the Yucatan peninsula, was followed by various national and international
dd hh
Team Outrage one of the most serious types of violation of human rights who met in the Yucatan peninsula, was followed by various national and international human rights, including Amnesty International and even mentioned in the report of the UN Rapporteur United Housing.

The attack was on August 13, 2009. Campeche's government failed to prevent eviction despite previous attacks against the town which remained unpunished, failed to protect the physical integrity and property of the families and failed to provide humanitarian assistance to displaced families, although they lived in the terrace "palace" of government Campeche over a month.
One year and three months after the crime, prosecutors determined there was no crime to pursue, whereupon the villagers and filed a motion for reconsideration. Outrage accompanied the presentation of the appeal on 10 November. The Attorney determined to revoke the decision of the Attorney General since 19 November, however, were informed and the victims just last week.

Procrastination is one way to impede and deny justice and, almost a year and a half later, has not adequately integrated the preliminary investigation, although there are numerous proofs that show the crime, for the illegal eviction and destruction of homes was a public and notorious fact that was documented, among others, by various media.

The person identified as responsible for ordering the eviction, and who holds as owner of the land on which stood the village of San Antonio Ebulá, Mr. Eduardo Escalante, a powerful businessman with strong links Campeche policy state and country.

His daughter was the wife of the late Juan Camilo Mouriño and now his son is charged with a kind of supersecretaría with broad powers in the government of Campeche. Another daughter is a Member of Congress local.

The Human Rights Commission closed the file Campeche and determining that no matter and the NHRC, in aberrant complicity, endorsed the decision.

Displaced families whose property was destroyed not been compensated nor are they repaired the damage and justice has been done in this grave case. It would be deplorable that the government of Campeche, disguised and ensure impunity of committing a crime as serious because of its economic and political power.

January 4, 2011
HERE Read Note

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Menopause Longer Periods

¡Nacen the FXR TRAIL! On 22 January, the first: Healthy FXR Trail! (Updated)

Given the large number of efequiser @ s we enjoy the mountain Runner, launch a new initiative FXR : the FXR TRAILS!

TRAILS The FXR group are training in the mountains and roads, trails, trialeras ... where l @ s @ s runner efequiser regularly. These quedadadas that will have an approximately quarterly basis are characterized by long lasted (between 25 and 40km), a high effort, both physical and mental, not competitive and public both efequiser @ s @ s @ s as interested (and for free, something to be grateful considering the current price of the competition. not a criticism of the organizers, it is known how expensive it is to ride a race in all its aspects ).

This initiative came last MATAESTEVE to that efequiser l @ s @ s of the different areas where we can share one day live in those mountain areas where they normally train. These places will be in different places: St. Esteve Sesrovires, Badalona, \u200b\u200bCastellterçol, Piera, Cerdanyola, Barcelona .... @ Efequiser near the machine can make your proposal (day, circuit, mileage, name of the Trail ...) and will be e X -your post on our blog.

In this sense, we already have our first date: the Sanes FXR TRAIL!

The FXR TRAIL Sanes mountain is a circuit of approx. 30 km all round the perimeter of St. Esteve Sesrovires. This circuit will connect the most common circuits efequiser l @ s @ s de St. Esteve.
This event will be Saturday 22 January 2011. The meeting point is the Complex of St. Esteve Sesrovires Esportiu and start time will be at 16h. For this reason, apart from camelback with water and food (energy bars, gels ...) is indispensable and necessary use of front and before the end of the FXR TRAIL Sanes oscurezerá.
not stop in 2011! FXR
PD-New Year, FXR Trail again! ;)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Harold Und Kumar Bottomless

PRO - ADA - A benefit of anti VTA

We're in 2011! And we begin our activities this year animals with all the energy, so that in these 363 days we have left the animalistic Bogota sits around the country.

The event PRO - ADA (Association for the Defence of Animals and the Environment) is an example of this, since it is a call for solidarity and hope of those horses that are abused daily by heartless human (or reason). With your contribution, we will be strengthening a distinguished foundation in Colombia and we will help animalism those who have no voice ...

But remember that the ballots are few (260 only) and there are more than 350 guests have confirmed their attendance so that: to buy tickets! Already this week we have orders from on Monday and we want to be left without yours.

You can purchase pre-sale at only $ 20,000 in the cell 3152915608 (Danny T), 3103415497 (Sergio M.) in the e-mails:, and take home at no additional charge, or directly at the headquarters of ADA (Calle 63 No. 26-40. Bogotá). Remember that the day of the event the cost of the ticket increases to $ 30,000.

Now, if you want to support the cause equine animals for trabajajo, but you can not attend the event, you can make a deposit or transfer to the savings account No. 00990021793-7, Davivienda Bank, to name Defender Association of Animal enviendo at (the) e-mail, Scanned copy of proof of appropriation, to receive the same media event virtual ballot Pro - ADA.

Hurry, do not go without attending!


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And we in 2011 .... Començem

Having made and enjoyed the last two rounds FXR uncompetitive (runner of 31 e X Montserrat incursion by the 02 - as SergioX says: @ poc s , but l @ s best! YeeeaaaXXX!) , l @ s @ s efequiser undertake a 2011 or more so il · lusion that experienced in 2010. calendar this month January is a good example.)
In retrospect, 2010 has been incredible! ojeadita If we give the first post , we smile with joy by all experienced, and run happened :))).

And is that among tod @ s do that FXR continue to grow every day!
FXR Som!

What Does A Red License Plate Mean

l'any! FXR Gener!

Tot i aquesta Darrera that is presented desembre Week of Atepa ben ( runnejada the St. Sylvester from 31 per St. Esteve Sesrovires and comanada the FXR clothing cycling ) between all of you are / have raised the efequiser @ s an exciting start to the year 2011.

Sunday 02: Excursion FXR the mountain of Montserrat. Quote to start in non-competitive walking. Output Collbató and passing through two of the most iconic road (St. Michael and Caves Salnitre) making stops at the monastery. All the info clicking here.
Saturday 08, 22 and 29: training small group of road bike. Every time we are enjoying efequiser @ s Saturday (and any other day) of filming. Given the cold early, when the meeting will be from 10 am St. Sports Complex. Stephen Sesrovires. FXR to wheel!
Sunday 09: runnejada for Montserrat. Coming to indicate the time, meeting place and route (between 10-15km). So this weekend we will enjoy a double training: Saturday-road cycling / Sunday - race on foot mountain. YeeeaaaXXXX!
Saturday 15: SANE FXR TRAIL . The first test of Trails that FXR / efequiser the @ s will made to the different villages where we live (St. Stephen Sesrovires, Badalona, \u200b\u200bCastellterçol, Cerdanyola, Barcelona ...). All the info by clicking here .
Sunday 30: Half Marathon Barcelona. The streets of Barcelona filled corridors / and is / the efequiser @ s also a part. Before January 2 entries are cheaper:
Sunday 30: III Duathlon mountain Viladecans. An ideal trial to start in duatlons mountain with two circuits of different distances to choose from.

As usual, any proposal is totally welcome and we can add quickly. May be sent to .

not stop!