Sunday, January 23, 2011

Toyo Tires Versus Michelin Tires

Calderón, "a danger to Mexico"

Author: Miguel Badillo. Contralínea magazine.
The health of the President of the Republic is a matter of national security. Their decisions affect, for better or for worse, the lives of Mexicans, and determine the political, economic and social with other countries. Therefore, the national security cabinet to worry about and deal with what happened a few days ago his boss Felipe Calderón, who, to a climate of terror and pressure by the threat of drug trafficking, has reached a mind to deny these facts and repeated insistently than before.

Two weeks ago, Calderon said in a dialogue with civil society organizations, who had never qualified as a "war" fighting the federal government holds against crime organized. Immediately, the media and exhibited denied the president-with photos and voice recordings-how since he came to Los Pinos has been repeated time and again that it is a "war" (sic) of the State against drug cartels.

This contradiction in the thinking of the Mexican president is not a minor thing and should be analyzed by a specialist medical staff, who must determine his state of physical and mental health for Congress to consider whether the chief executive is able to govern. Especially since the issue of organized crime and violence plaguing the country, with a balance of more than 34 000 performed in its four years of government, of which more than 15 000 were killed in 2010 - has been subjected to harsh criticism and pressure.

recall that some years ago, when they started their campaign for the presidency, Calderón mentioned the opposition candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador "a danger to Mexico" and a few months ago, in a radio interview, explaining the reason for this harsh statement, the president argued that the social hatred and anger of former candidate presidencialhabían contaminated a large sector of society.

now desperate adversarial and bipolar in its governance, Calderón is the one who must undergo a clinical trial to determine whether treatment is adequate health conditions continue to take decisions about the direction of the country that are best for losmexicanos, or clarify if he is who has become "a danger to Mexico."

In the United States, the State Department agrees with the urgent need to review if Calderon is able to govern. So he did know the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who, according to Wikileaks leaks on Mexico, asked in a cable dated December 2009 to report how they are affecting the personality of President FelipeCalderón and his way of ruling the adverse news of the "war" against drug trafficking and economic crisis in Mexico. Obama's government also believes that the mandatariomexicano can be a danger to U.S. national security.

a bipolar affective disorder
For reference, Wikipedia explains the disease of bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar disorder, formerly manic-depressive psychosis as is the psychiatric diagnosis that describes a disorder state of mind characterized by the presence of one or more episodes with abnormally High energy, cognition and mood.

adds that clinically is reflected in states of mania or, in milder cases, hypomania with concomitant or alternating episodes of depression, so that the affected is usually somewhere between joy and sadness in a much more marked than those who do not suffer from this condition.

general, says Wikipedia, has expression losneurotransmisores an electrochemical imbalance in the brain. Additionally, due to the characteristics of bipolar disorder, individuals have a higher risk of mortality due to causes natural, such as cardiovascular disease. Despite being considered a chronic disorder with high morbidity and mortality, comprehensive care that addresses all aspects involved, biological, psychological and social, can achieve complete remission of the crisis, hence the great importance of diagnosis the hit is correct.

The basic element for the treatment of bipolar disorder is the awareness of the problem, your knowledge on the part of the patient and their relatives through sicoeducaciónadecuada enable them to cope with the crisis, not unsubstantiated fears and Tools more valid, as well as prevent relapse.

personalized drug therapy, especially during the stages of imbalance, is another key. Benzodiazepines, antipsychotics and mood stabilizers are the drugs most used. Patterns of mood changes may be cyclical, often starting with a hobby that ends in a deep depression. Sometimes, they can dominate or manic episodes of depression. Some of these disorders are called "rapid cycling" because the mood can change several times within a very short period of time. Other times it is called "mixed state" in which thoughts depression may appear in an episode of mania or vice versa.

There are still two years to pass the current cabinet to retirement. If in 2010 there were over 15 000 deaths for 2011 and 2012 the level of violence could even be worse. It is therefore important that all decisions taken by Felipe Calderon are the best and, especially, are made with the best possible mental capacity. Read more


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