Sunday, January 9, 2011

Are Dizy -10 Jpee Pills Real?

unstoppable: how long? Ebulá

C on the 56 murders that occurred yesterday in various entities of the national territory -27 of them in Acapulco, Guerrero, completes one of the bloodiest early years in recent times, with about 300 deaths in eight days, which even exceeds the number of killings during the same period in 2010 (around 280). We witness, therefore, to overcome a numerical quota of violence seemed insurmountable, and that in the last year reached a rate of more than a thousand murders on average per month, according to one's own official figures.

So far the present administration, none of the measures announced and adopted by the federal government has been anxious to counter the insecurity faced by the population, and is expressed in acts of cruelty and savagery increasing: on the contrary, it lying between people's perception that the central elements of the current government strategy against organized crime, beginning with the massive deployment of police and military in various institutions, have had adverse effects for the persecuted and exacerbated the manifestations of a crime that is present in increasingly horrific ways, in almost all parts of the country.

In such circumstances, the insistence of the official discourse on the need to change the public perception of safety, picked up by Felipe Calderón a few days ago, when sued consuls and ambassadors of our country, "put in perspective," the violence living in Mexico, is as irrelevant as the requests, open or veiled, of the public to society for it to be resigned to a continuation of violence for many years: in either case, the federal government spends ignore the many signs that point to the inability of the federal government to win the "war" against crime, which he ordered four years ago. Nor does much to present as indicators of "success" of the current drug strategy capture or killing of alleged drug lords, most recently the president, the fact is that neither the government nor the deadly persecution disputes between criminal strata, or between them and government forces have taken a toll on the criminal groups that bathe the area and blood defy the state in an increasingly clear and resolute.
The manifest failure of the current security policy does not support public and another course of action as self-criticism and honest review of it by the federal government, recognizing the complexity and scale of the problem it faces, and the corresponding shift in approaches and actions to combat crime: at the present time, the basic and main effort of the authorities should focus on preventing murders, uprisings, the abuses committed by all sides and insecurity continue to afflict the population, and this task should be realized not in a few months or within a few years, but in the short term.



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