Sunday, January 9, 2011

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The Awakening. Violence

The prospect of 2011

José A. Ortiz Pinchetti

There is no reason on the horizon to suggest that social and economic reality of Mexico will improve in 2011. The speeches of the recovery of Felipe Calderón "are increasingly worn propaganda. We have to wait that poverty is deepening and further reducing levels of welfare for 80 percent of Mexicans. Young people will continue to grow without hope. United States, as promised land, is increasingly distant. Many will be recruited by organized crime. Continue the daily anguish about the lack of work and by the famine and the spectacle of corruption, extortion, waste and impunity. The workers did not manage to form new unions that represent them and not really break the controls of equipment that were mechanisms PRI now perversely used by the PAN.

Pops "? possible. There will be riots in the society, but pockets of young armed exasperated. Its cause may be just, but will not have popular support and can be isolated and / or destroyed by the army and police. If you still can multiply and create new political phenomena.
The party situation is difficult. The PRI, as demonstrated in the last process to elect their president, has not forgotten nothing and learned nothing. It offers no hope for change. A Calderon and the PAN will be impossible to change economic policy to get popular support. Kept frozen guaranteed wages and tax privileges of interest groups, who are his true support. They are the real actors in the fight for the presidency in 2012. Now reluctant to support the PRI or vote again for the PAN. Calderon can not discount. Has many resources: attack the PRI and their corrupt ties to drug trafficking and try to divide the left.

in 2011 will clear the big question: progressive groups continue fighting each other with more fury than against their opponents? I believe that unity will prevail. Not ethics or ideology, but because the facts require it. Subscribe to this optimistic about the success of the brilliant play with which redefined the political space left in the state of Mexico.


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