Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Naturism In Madeira Porto Santo

Resistance anarchist thought the "cradle of democracy"

Riot police clashed with stone-throwing youths in central Athens yesterday, causing panic among the families Christmas and customers of the cafes. Parents

terrified their children picked up a Christmas carousel in the central plaza and fled.

A group of youths turned away from a peaceful demonstration and began throwing stones and firebombs at police who responded with tear gas.

Minutes later, the Greek demonstrators threw petrol bombs and stones at police outside Parliament, on the thirteenth day of protests since the police killed a teenager.
same time, the union pated forced the cancellation of many flights and closing public offices.

red flags Protesters clashed with police who cordoned off the Parliament and tried to burn a Christmas tree located in a plaza in front of the building. Police fired gas tear gas to disperse them.

"Down with the Government blood poverty and privatization," read one banner carried by protesters 7.000.

The protests, triggered nearly two weeks ago by the boy's death at the hands of the police, are directed against the economic and social reforms of the Government and the failure to protect the Greeks of the global economic crisis.

Another student was shot yesterday, but there was confusion about the incident, authorities said.

On Thursday there were also expressions of unions, students and teachers in the city of Thessaloniki in the north and the island of Crete.

worst protests in decades in Greece following the murder of 15 year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos frustration fueled by the economic situation and progress of youth unemployment.

The riots have caused hundreds of millions of euros in damage in Athens and rocked the conservative government increasingly popular.

" end up not only because it's Christmas. Continue and intensify our protests next year," said Stathis Anestis spokesman of private sector union federation GSEE, which participated in demonstrations against the government.

A three-hour stoppage from airport officials fully suspended the flights, except for emergencies.

Urban transport was frozen, while doctors and teachers left their jobs, which recalled the 24-hour general strike last week.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

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Peter Kropotkin
(Alexeyevich Piotr Kropotkin, Moscow, 1842 - Dmitrov, 1921) Revolutionary and anarchist theory.

Sowing life around, warns that cheat, lie, be smart, it is sullied, empequeñecerte, recognize weak, of course, be like the servant of the harem, which is thought less than his master.

Do it if you please, but then keep in mind that humanity will be considered small, petty, weak, and will treat you accordingly. Do not see your energy, you will be considered as a being who deserves pity, only pity. Do not complain humans if paralyze yourself and your business, be strong, however when you see an injustice and have understood - an inequity in life, a lie in science, suffering inflicted by another - rebel, against injustice, falsehood and injustice.

Fight! The fight is the life, the more intense is that the more alive, and then you have lived, and for a few hours of this life will give years of vegetation in the mire of the swamp. Fight to allow all vivre this life rich and lush, you can be sure to find enjoyment in this fight as big as you would find not appear in any other order of business.

This is how much you can say the science of morality, you will get to choose.

I Have A Flesh Colored Mole

Anarchist Anarchism in Costa Rica (Part One)

A libertarian culture just over 100 years supports the anarchist praxis today share the anarchists Costa Rica. Some researchers say that by the nineteenth century had already been done in Costa Rica present anarchist ideas clearly and explicitly.

The study of the ideas of Antonio Zambrana, socialist and anarchist, placed him as one who could be the first systematic expositor of anarchist thought in the country. Other data also indicate that since the early twentieth century until 1920, many intellectuals in this small country, were passionate about the thought of L. Tolstoy and anarchism.

Nor would

doing justice to the history of anarchism in Costa Rica, if I forget the influence of French emigrants, who in 1920 established a colony in Parrita anarchist with the contribution and influence of English Anselmo Lorenzo, Carlos Malato and globetrotting Russian anarchist Peter Kropotkin present in some of the publications of the labor sector, local hand craft and intellectual.

Mario Oliva historian, says that as early twentieth-century reformist socialist tendencies had considerable weight in our craftsmen and workers, between 1909 and 1914 this position was well established and influenced the direction of the labor movement, but from 1911 onwards had to cope with the increasing anarchist organization that quickly lit in broad sectors of urban workers and number of intellectuals.

In this context, to ferment and rise of anarchist thought and action in Costa Rica, establishing a cultural and political platform tends from the second decade of the twentieth century, to confront both liberalism and reformist socialism .

The influence of anarchism "Creole" was crucial to the Costa Rican labor movement, anarchism, which should emphasize the class character who gave the fight, its internationalism, the concept of autonomy and class consciousness on the labor movement and worker in the world.

proliferated between 1909 and 1914 study centers, public libraries, night schools for workers, circulation of books, newspapers socialist and labor organizations. All this came from their own capabilities and efforts.

were also the years in which each member unit labor movement apparently begins to fracture and develop in different ways. Some be integrated into the dominant system. The other, in part influenced by thought and action from anarchism, tended to deepen the disagreements and contradictions with the order of things established.

appears that the mature positioning Costa Rican and international anarchist ideology, is accomplished through creation of the Germinal Center for Social Studies in early 1912. Center whose proposal and proletarian cultural perspective were: combating social prejudice, religious and political that slowed the evolution of workers and the development of the individual.

Today, from a perspective on the essence of which is read first principles of the Germinal Center for Social Studies of mid-century, the Organization intends to resume Rican anarchist anarchist ideology original Germinal Center, and from reading date of the Costa Rican social and cultural reality, develop a proposal (cultural and educational) integral with the times and the urgent needs of social transformation of the national environment which we participate.

The ideology of Germinal Center for Social Studies, is alive, it makes a call to renew, revive your essence and action from a proposal and current anarchist perspective ...

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What is Anarchism

Anarchism is NOT dressed like walking out of a Tim Burton movie, walking is NOT kicking trash cans and scaring ladies in the street, it is not Satanism or listen only rock music. Anarchism is not walking from bar to bar, drugging and doing what gives me the fucking win, the true anarchist fighting, bleeding, crying and still fighting to death is very different.

Very few people seem to understand the anarchist although of a very simple and clear. Basically our message is to direct our lives instead of ourselves to be manipulated and do it in harmony with others.

was a movement in the past reached its greatest strength among the workers, but have also adopted other oppressed and exploited in both aspire to be released without pressing or retaliate by subjecting turn most backward groups.

There is nothing particularly difficult or violent anarchism except that something as basic as the idea of \u200b\u200bcalling each person to direct his own life becomes a subversive behavior because prevents precisely the manipulation by others, or any of the others.

We believe that freedom can not be defined and established by anyone, we experience it individually popies and live according to our highest aspirations, living only with the use of reason and common sense, which is located in the wonderful intelligence of every human being.

Hence the ridiculous objections to oppose him as "imagine the mess it would be if everyone did what I wanted, it would be chaos."

For anarchism, the source of social divisions is in the state, which is the cause that from living a fully human life, precisely because oppression that the concentration of economic and political power subject to us. Do not live now in chaos, under the laws of a corrupt state that makes us sick at all?

Millions of people lack decent occupation, while others are overworked, they work on other jobs for repetitive and routine, often harmful for us, for others or for the environment, provide benefits only to a small group against the indifference of a large majority.

This happens in all types of state system, regardless of the clothing that covers it Is not messy and irrational?. And this universality globalizing leads to impotence as it seems that nothing can be done about it.

There are people starving while food is thrown into the sea or stored to rot to maintain prices. Extremely overweight children with heart disease from eating junk food living in luxurious mansions while thousands die of cold malnourished children in the streets they know not what it is to have some breakfast.

waste resources and pollute the air for running cars too often occupied by one person, as this would benefit the owners of industry and the entire planet is in serious danger the destruction of its atmosphere, which seems inevitable because protect affects the interests of a few.

sacrifices are immediate needs for unnecessary benefits or propaganda that favor those who seek to come to state power, the religious mafia or the inhuman fauna of entrepreneurs who are exploiters of their peers.

The list of crazy, chaotic and absurd situations in today's society is endless, generated precisely by those who criticize anarchism as a source of disorder. And we are asked to sacrifice our freedom to promote this mess everyday!

The supposed "benefits" received in exchange for the existence of the state are essentially illusory, if not harmful. Health care, education, police protection are services that work poorly, but serve to make us dependent on the state and, worst of all, we bought for very little.

hold back its own initiative to create a social security self-managed and focused on our needs, not to what those in power is defined as medical care, which always leads to submission tool and that should be acknowledged as a generous gift.

In turn, social security, paid employees, creates an availability of money the most important in modern capitalism, which is used to exploit those same workers and benefit the well-heeled capitalists.

prevents the State can direct the education of our children without subjecting them to the designs of the masters of the day. Everywhere, more police to protect us from criminals are hired to monitor and control the population.

also corruption and high crime has its origin in something as illusory and invented by capitalism, the vile money. Any work that is done with public money is at a premium because the costs include the huge premiums demanded by corruption.

why I'm an anarchist, because I'm sick of all the lazy bastards government, shysters, brokers and all the pestilence that is engendered in the darkness of religion and state.

hope before I die and my bones Anarchists spend the rest, I really hope and struggle to see the disappearance of the worst enemy of humanity, the state and the church.

if my voice trails off, if my life comes to dusk without seeing that glorious day, will die standing, with his fist clenched teeth and cursing the state, the religion and their god damn ... UNTIL THE VICTORY ALWAYS!

may be contained, even silence us, but we never will see on their knees begging for our freedom.

Your freedom is not simply a right granted by the state, is something you get to fight to death just against the state.

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Extract interview with Noam Chomsky on their perspective of anarchy in the society.

BR: Anarchism is often criticized for being unrealistic and incapable of handling complex practical situations. One of the most complex situations is now the Middle East.

Chomsky: I think that's an example Perfect use of anarchism. What's in the Middle East is an almost classic example of the sheer absurdity of a people that is organized into state systems. That is, what do they gain the Jews of Israel, as human beings, to be identified as the group leader in a Jewish state? The only effect of such action is destructive to themselves. Consider the emergence of theocratic control all Israel. That has, at all, nothing to do with the roots of Judaism, never existed. It reflects the establishment of a state system. And for the people of the country is terribly oppressive. Many of them are not religious do not want any such nonsense. But they are attached to it, from the time they insist that there is a state system which differs in some way to everyone else. Well, in what way different? By a sort of ideology that has to be created. Obviously going to be theocratic. And that means all kinds of interference in daily life of each, for example, that they will not let marry when he pleases. So, apart from clogging the obvious common interests between, say, Palestinian and Jewish workers, or intellectuals, or anyone, besides leading to endless wars and probably end with the destruction of both sides, apart from all that precisely in their daily lives is oppressive and destructive, both for those who earn to those who lose. That is, there could be no more dramatic example of the absurdity of people who are organized into state systems, for purposes of mutual destruction. And until that is overcome, there is no hope.

BR: Do you have a project for a liberal solution?

Chomsky: Yes, I think there the only solution must be to develop a common interest to Jewish and Arab that transcended the national conflict. And such common interest exists; example, building a socialist liberal. If you want to identify nationally in such a society, fine. I do not see much interest in it, but if that's what people want, well, that's their choice. Which itwould no reason why you can not have national institutions, including the existence side by side, and that people choose to identify one way or another, if that is what the people want. And it would leave an option for people who did not want, do not like to be part of one or other of those systems. And this is perfectly feasible, ie could be done. I think really the only hope for the peoples of this region is to be able to build that kind of commitment Socialist group. There was a stream early Zionist movement insisted on it. And they were right, everything. They were right in opposing the Jewish state, and are right now.

BR: Would you say also that the global energy crisis points out the absurdity of a national control of international resources?

Chomsky: Here I think it should be very careful, because there is a line of thought that is emerging in the United States says: Why would that be for themselves, these sheiks crazy, all these resources?

BR: The next step would be to invade.

Chomsky: Yes, But do not ask: why should we have to General Motors for us all, or why we should have beans for us?

BR: The Globe has just published an editorial saying that, if not solve the problem soon, we will be at the mercy of a troop of sheikhs dresses sheet, which in view of his recent comments on racism seems ...

Chomsky: I'm sure we'll hear very soon many phrases like that.

BR: Do you think we contemplate also a corresponding growth of anti-Semitism?

Chomsky: Yes, if you look at the choices we had in Lexington. The local newspaper, one or two weeks ago, the first anti-Semitic letters I read.

BR: With regard to the campaign?

Chomsky: Actually, what happened is they have a ceremony at the Lexington Green, at Christmas, with the figure of Christ, etc. And many people objected, arguing the separation of church and state, etc. And every Christmas there fighting for that reason. So this year, the letters in defense of the ceremony had a clearly anti-Semitic, at least a couple of them, they said, well, we are criticized for making our ceremony there, but we are going to freeze to death because of you , And so forth.
But I think both can go side by side, ie anti-Semitism can grow along with racist anti-Arab sentiments. And I think that is precisely what will happen this winter.

BR: Both sides are marked for slaughter.

Chomsky: That is exactly what appears is happening. That is, they themselves have worked to create a system where they are instruments of the superpowers. And all based on a commitment to a state system. This is the whole problem there. No could represent a better argument for anarchism.

BR: What hope do you see for the future? That is, many people in the movement is depressed in recent times and has failed to act, even seems to back away. We attempted to address the situation somehow. What do you see for the future?

Chomsky: The future seems more hopeful than I thought a couple of years. That is, the movement of the last ten years had much reaction. Reacted to atrocities determined. He was never structural, never really tried to society, or knew why it should change. At least not in large part, for there were those who did. But I think that now is the time to try to rebuild really popular structures that are not based on fringe groups, marginal, such as students, but truly living communities emerge that will continue, and have a huge need overcome repressive structures.

See the full interview: / documents / entrevistanoam.html

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News of Anarchism Anarchy The Utopians

Ricardo Flores Magon
Political Mexican journalist and playwright. Explored the ideas and works of distinguished contemporary anarchists.

deluded utopians!, This is the least we are told, and this has been the cry of the conservatives of all time against those who seek to set foot outside the fence that imprisons the human cattle .

deluded utopians!, We cry, and when they know that our demands are taking account of land tenure to give it to people, the cries are sharper and stronger insults: thieves, murderers, evil, traitors!, tell us.

And yet, it is the dreamers and utopians of all time whom humanity owes its progress. What is called civilization, what is if not the result of the efforts of the Utopians?

dreamers, poets, dreamers, utopians so despised by serious people, as pursued by the paternalism of Governments: hanged here, shot there, burned, tortured, imprisoned, dismembered in
all ages and all countries have been, however, proponents all forward movement, the visionaries who have brought to the masses blind, light paths that lead to glorious heights.

would have to give up any progress, it would be better to give up all hope of justice and greatness in
humanity if even in the space of a century to tell the family leave human among its members some dreamers, utopians and dreamers. That serious people traveling on those list of the dead men they admire.

What if there were dreamers? Why they are admired, but because they were
deluded? What is the surrounding of glory, if not its utopian character?

so despised that kind of human beings arose Socrates, des prized by serious and sensible people of his day and admired by same time he had opened his mouth to make swallow them my we hemlock.

Is Christ? If they had lived at that time the lords
sensible and serious today they would have tried, sentenced and even nailed infamous tree in the great utopian, in whose image they cross and humiliate.

There have been revolutionary in the social sense of the word has not been reformer who has not been attacked by the ruling classes of his time as utopian, dreamy and deluded.

Utopia, hope, dreams ...! Much poetry, so much progress, how much beauty and yet, how much you despise!

Amid the triviality environment, the utopian humanity dreams of a fairer, healthier, more beautiful, wiser, happier, and while externalizing their dreams, envy pale, dagger search his back, the spy henchman, the jailer takes the keys and sign the statement tyrant death.
Thus mankind has maimed in all-time best members.

Adelante! The insult, the prison and the threat of death can not prevent the utopian dream .

Regeneration, November 12, 1910
The Freedom , Costa Rica

What Kind Of Doctor Is A Hip Doctor?

for Humanity Village

With each dawn my mind wonders why anti-style - life is engendered in modern society today, but that has been developed as a dusty spider web over the centuries, hidden behind the banner of industrial development, technology, religion and other monsters that uses the state to govern the weak of thought.

And no wonder that in the short years of my life, my thoughts always led me to the same conclusion: people need to get rid of ancestral ties that follow us day by day as a dismal curse, placing a label beings condemned to eternal death and a declining life filled with pain and worsening ills, thus making it necessary for a state to distribute justice more blind blind-just-a left and right. Supposedly

I have tattooed the stigma for the simple fact that the first humans who walked on the planet ate some kind of forbidden fruit, some theologians called stray waste their lives debating whether it was an apple or some kind of magic bean growing through the roof! But I do fuck I care about the menu or the food they consumed the happy people who saw the first sunset on Earth.

When I was born I did not know evil or good, just had to grow up to live free, happy, to enjoy this life rich and lush making appropriate use of the greatest creation of the universe: reason, thought.

But soon I was surrounded by the strangest prejudices, fears and psychological barriers, school taught me to refine the misuse of mind, I learned to lie, to compete against my fellow humans, to cheat to achieve cunning recognition based on the capitalist system consumer who specializes in corrupting and create McCabe, handlers at any price.

why society will not let me grow as a natural human being, learning from the example of Mother Nature wise, old trees that fosters healthy and strong?

How different would today's society if we let out all the educational system, the entire banking system, stock values, free trade, immigration, tax collection, including tithes and offerings collected by the different "churches" which are nothing more than international corporations and the worst.

Making unnecessary products to improve the lives of real people, turf wars over borders that exist only in the imagination of some military eunuch, widespread crime that is sponsored by consumerism and mass production of banknotes to style of some stupid board game that gives more value to a portfolio full of paper before feeding a child or life of human beings.

it could I continue to write examples of all things stupid and pointless negative that I see around me, to fill the hard drive of my computer, but I think the important thing is to communicate the human being, no, NO we are sinners condemned to lakes of fire and brimstone.

Nor are "dumb animals", although some spiders and worms seem to have more reason that the politicians who run the nations, "doomed to fight for the law of the concrete jungle where it has more brute force, and will call the police, army or priests, but always been the one who survives and is revered as a great example for future generations.

We need not accept such a fate of self - destruction, which I gather will be a mass suicide at worst catastrophic proportions the largest genocide ever known, we use the most powerful organ of our complex and wonderful human body: the brain.

The reason must tell us the simple path that leads to happiness, through solidarity and cooperation with our fellow human beings.


great benefits of the feed an orphaned boy who does not even know, that instead of working long hours to buy a CD player team that ultimately leaves us empty inside a bulb.

pleasure and mental well provide us plant and care for trees, plant flowers and how much we refresh the view that instead of borrowing from the banking system in order to build high walls to prevent another person from taking what we bought work with enslaved under the yoke of capitalist consumerist system.

Instead of fighting a lifetime to attain a level or higher social class, I must exhaust the source of wealth of these oligarchic spivs and profiteers who deal with building their pleasures and fortunes on my pain and my ruin.

Instead of pondering the quickest way to a successful career in government or a multinational corporation, I overthrow the undue power that gives these institutions the capitalist system through the government and the opposition, where it is a tyranny in training and that a tyranny of fact.

Instead of living day after day under the finger of religion we should bury once and for all their virgins and bigots that condemn us to eternal death, we also massacred with endless religious wars.

Live life like a rational human being, not thinking of doing good or evil, just live the moment with joy, optimism and beautiful sentiment to preserve the human being as such and all that surrounds us for real benefit from it.

Live free from the anguish and theological discussions of eternal life only gives you the best of every living being connected to you whether directly or indirectly to obtain joy and peace as you will not find in any other activity or heavenly paradise, for when we die, God takes care of its own affairs, only He knows what to expect really.

If there is an afterlife as a reward, will come the day so enjoy and if after death there is nothing more ... it is the joy we have experienced this short life to the fullest, in a rational way, taking every opportunity to fight on behalf of our more important legacies: the human race and nature.

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challenges consumerism

In Urachiche, a small town in western Yaracuy state have been taken at exactly the advice of the "maximum leader of the Bolivarian revolution" and have revived an ancient practice of sharing : barter. Neris Pineda, 52, got up early Sunday and next to her husband, Tito Quiroz, was barricaded in natural products grown on his small farm to get off to a peculiar market in this enclave of 23,000 . You know they will return home penniless, but happy. "Barter is not just the commodity exchange is an exchange of values, solidarity, love, friendship.

The idea is to integrate into the community," he explains as bananas out of your basket (bananas), coffee and some bunches of eucalyptus. Music Venezuelan leftist activist and singer Ali Primera Panamanian Ruben Blades liven up the frenetic pace of fifty "prosumers," who swarm around the tables talking animatedly while flicking the goods which, interestingly, are no sale.

"We call prosumers because it brings together in the same word producer and consumer, while the capitalist system divides us: we produce and consume on one side to another, "said Paul Mayayo, who helped create the Community Market Urachiche providing knowledge drawn from similar experiences his native Argentina and Colombia.

The Lionza against money

The idea of \u200b\u200bbartering Chavez threw himself, without much elaboration, two years ago to create an alternate currency promote the exchange of services and products produced by cooperatives through community currencies confined to a geographical area and specific time constraints. Other pilot programs in the country had little relevance. But Urachiche say that barter is here to stay and although the market has little more than a hundred members, between individuals and co-project leaders say it increases every week.

flour, beans, avocados, juice, covers for hand-woven cellular, books, pens, sweets, shirts, tomato sauce and even the much sought milk, which in recent months has been conspicuously absence on the shelves of the country, you can get "barter" on Sundays. And not only products but services and knowledge. Blacksmiths, mechanics, sewing cooperatives, taxi drivers and teachers offer their services to the community.

At what price?

"Price?" No, boy, here there is talk of prices, "scolds Neris Pineda as he strives to place their goods on tables to use as a desk. "Here we speak of value, prices here mean money and money has nothing to do," sentence. The people of this impoverished farming village got rid of the "filthy lucre" Maria Lionza using a popular mythological deity that has its center of pilgrimage in the mountains of Sorte, a few miles from Urachiche.

is not invoked, but baptized in his name to the common currency that serves as a tool for barter. Printed with a statue of the goddess in plastic and sealed carton, each Lionza has an "equivalent" of 1,000 Bolivars (0.5 dollars). But could not be exchanged for cash remain in the system and does not make sense accumulate. "The challenge of money is the most complicated and yet the most interesting. To break the capitalist paradigm that without money you can not do anything only need practice and a little ingenuity, as you can see here, "said Mayayo.

The" prosumers "are happy and change their products Lionza at prices that ensure they have no real competition in the economy by eliminating intermediary costs. But look beyond. "Nobody is going with the feeling of having won nothing else. People are not about winning, "said Neris, as he picks the little that he got traded. " If this is backwards, if being more human is to step back, because the delay is welcome. That depends on the vision you have of the world, of life, "he says, smiling.

* I clarify that I am not supporting Chavez or any Bolivarian revolution because it represents my enemy government, expose only the example of these Venezuelans as a real alternative to capitalism.

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barter Anarchism in Costa Rica (Part Two)

the end of 1909 a group of intellectuals led by Omar Dengo, Joaquín García Monge, Carmen Lira, the labor leader Juan Rafael Perez and others, founded the Germinal Center for Social Studies as a center intellectual strength for the working class. Germinal Center was installed on the second floor, near the Rambla.

Center main purposes was to establish free social science courses, conferences and public meetings, organized a library referendum, to evenings with performances of dramatic works of social propaganda, publish and contribute to the publication; establishment of centers of their nature, and establishing relationships internationally and locally with other centers of similar importance.

under his direction in 1913 organized the General Federation Workers (CGT) nationals. Germinal Center had the typical characteristics of anarchist groups, in its place was the red flag and black, where workers congregate at night in the various workshops in the capital, its rooms were hung portraits of Emile Zola and Eliseo Reclus.

Their meetings had the distinction of being informal, not boards, and members were scattered by local meeting. When you start singing a hymn libertarian called "Sons of the People."

The meeting studied the modern organizational systems workers hence came the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Federation. This center not only promoted the idea of \u200b\u200ba national organization of craftsmen and workers in the country but pushed antipatronal consciousness.

The Center helped strengthen anarchist positions, instilling in workers the anticlerical ideas, the abstention doctrine, the anti-parliamentarism and trade unionism. Ideas that came out disclosed in the journal Renewal. So anarchist ideas contributed to vehemently express the feelings of the working class against those who exploited and oppressed.

Germinal Center also developed, what they called "propaganda revolutionary ", moving to the communities, distributing leaflets, gave speeches and lectures on topics and issues of concern to workers and civilians in general.

Germinal Center since its inception who have a close and fraternal relationship with the workers and their organizations in 1913 prompted the first celebration of May Day in Costa Rica. In local Germinal Center from mid-April of that year delegates met almost all the workers' associations to prepare the celebration of May Day.

He urged the workers to suspend their work and protest against all injustices to which workers are subjected in the world, recalling the events in Chicago when American workers went on strike in 1886 to reduce the daily work to eight hours maximum, and were massacred.

organizers considered to belong to a global labor movement, which exceeded not only geographical boundaries, but religious, race, nationality and political views. This is evident both in the manifest of invitation to celebrate May Day and in the speeches delivered on the ground.

no lack of obstacles to the realization of this event class, however this May 1 led to concentration of force and the working class in Costa Rica. It is based on the tradition of the working class and intellectual anarchist OAC, promotes the restoration of what hereinafter referred Germinal Center Anarchist Studies in Costa Rica.

Anarchist Studies Center Germinal is in its original conception, claimed by the Anarchist Communist Organization of Costa Rica, as the body responsible for the extent and spread anarchist political and ideological as well as the social and cultural anarchist,

as we made the Germinal Centers in Costa Germinal Centers Rica and elsewhere worldwide.

of the principles of CEAG:

mutual support,
human solidarity, self-management
Respect for cultural diversity and difference,
coolaborativo cooperative work,
Direct democracy, decentralization and

participation are guiding principles of a society and a lifestyle anarchist, these are guidelines or guiding principles of Anarchist Studies Germinal Center.

of its objectives and main actions:
The Germinal Center for Anarchist Studies is a body responsible for training and development of the / as members of the OAC.
Search free participation of its members in outreach activities, social and cultural dissemination of anarchist worldview.
To this end seek to articulate the material and intellectual resources of international and local anarchist heritage.
The CEAG seek to foster and promote activities within the framework of a libertarian culture.
support CEAG THE conscious and militant in their activities the OAC in Costa Rica.
The CEAG, is an active and consistent libertarian tradition of germinal centers and libertarian in the global context. will
CEAG symbols and emblems, all those used and claimed by the global libertarian culture which will identify members free.
research local anarchist history, publications and support for anarchist propaganda initiatives as well as the study and ongoing training of its members, shall be of permanent interest for the CEAG.
Disclosure printed on the activities and actions to be taken will be made by the body form of the OAC, call Anarchist Newspaper agitated mind.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Samantha Anderson Filmleri

Elections "democratic"

" I do not want to rule or be ruled, I will not rule or be subject, do not want to indoctrinate or to be indoctrinated.

To me, I have never power and yet I do, to me, I pay money to the oppressor, whatever and wherever they come, and that somehow I'm always the underdog.

" What matters to me this swing that my alternatively Abbe and highlights the cowardice and depravity? What do I have to say about the government and opposition, if it is a tyranny in training and that a tyranny of fact?

Why the champion despise more than the other, when both are not concerned if not build their pleasures and their fortunes on my pain and my ruin? "

The" democratic "elections are nothing more than FRAUD!

said, afrontaré the situation without worrying about the feelings of fear or of hope that dreams can push once in a while for me or against me, to evoke the monarchy and the prophets of democratic dictatorship. Using the inalienable right to give me my title of citizen and my interest as a human being, reasoning without passion and without weakness; austere as my right, calm as my feelings tell:

Every individual in this state of affairs puts in the ballot box a ballot for the election of a legislature or an executive (or call a referendum, "Democratic Party" or whatever you want to call it) is, if not willingly, at least out of ignorance, if not directly at least indirectly, a bad citizen. I affirm that without taking a syllable.

Introducing the issue this way, I once disengage from the democratic, pursuing the completion of the electoral monopoly, and the governmentality Republicans, making the formation of political power a product of common law.

not really fall into isolation, "which, moreover, worry me slightly," if not in the middle of the vast democratic core, over a third of registered voters, with one abstention that protests continued against the unworthy and miserable fate that they suffered, for years the ambition and smelly no less despicable violence of the parties and freeloaders, so it is correct to say that political powers are not anticipating more than a third of the citizens of so-called country.

third is to this that I am writing because there agree to this, there is no fear that votes on the pretext of preserving, or servile ignorance vote for vote, there exists the philosophical serenity based on a peaceful conscience useful work, production is not interrupted, dark merit, courage modest.

parties have called bad citizens these wise and serious philosophers of the material, which mix the Saturnalia of the plot, the parties have a horror of political indifference, non-porous metal can corrode any domination.

is time to pay attention to these Legionaries of abstinence, because it is between them is the truth, is among them that freedom resides, so exclusively, so absolutely, that this freedom will be achieved for humanity if not day the whole town imitate their example.

To clarify the show I'm doing, I consider two things: first, what is the purpose of political vote? Second what must inevitably be the result?

The political vote is twofold, direct and indirect: the first is to build a power, the second is, once constituted it, "free citizens and reduce burdens on them, and also do them justice."

That is, if I remember correctly, the stated goal of political vote, as the interior. Here there is no question as regards the exterior, so going to vote, voters recognize that it is free and attributed to him through whom the power to release rate, confesses that he is depressed and admits that the power is again the strength of to rise, states want the institution of justice and gives their delegates all authority to judge.

Fine, but recognize one or more men these capabilities do not you put my freedom, my wealth and my right out of me? Is not formally admit that he or she can liberate men, back-up and judge, are likewise able to oppress, ruin, bad judge?

And even they can not do otherwise, considering that to them is transferred all my rights, I now I have none and that protecting the right, if you do not protect themselves.

If I ask someone something, I admit that this is what I ask, would be absurd that he made a request to get something that is already in my possession. If I had to use my freedom, my fortune, my right not to ask it would anyone. If I ask them, probably because it possesses and, if so, do not see at all clear what my choices will have to receive about using them as it thinks fit.

But how is that power is in possession of what belongs to me? How do you succeed? Power, as exemplified by what lies ahead, is constituted by the lord "Don guy" who, only yesterday, was a poor outcast without much freedom, and more money than freedom for seven hundred fifty "Jupiters" thundering that "dresses like everyone else and not certainly more beautiful, "a few months ago talked with us, and not better than us, bear say," seven or eight ministers and their acolytes, most of them, before pulling the strings of the country's finances, pulling the tail of the devil with such obstinacy as a clerk either.

What has happened to these poor wretches of yesterday are my patterns today? How is it that these gentlemen in power which have been freely disposed of, all wealth, all justice? Who should be responsible for the persecution, the impositions, the evils we suffer all of us? Voters, of course!

The Court Supreme Elections Board, which was the one who started getting into the dance, the president, who continues the implementation, and the Legislature, which has strengthened the orchestra, this was not done alone. No, this is the result of voting and elections. To all those who have voted once in their lives have the responsibility of what has happened and what will follow. We libertarians labor and abstinence, we accept that responsibility.

between us Do not look for solidarity with the oppressive laws, regulations, inquisitorial, political assassinations, extrajudicial police, the privamientos of freedom, evictions, deportations ... the immense crisis that is crushing humanity. Go and beat their chests and prepare for trial in the history of mankind, government maniacs!

Our conscience is clear. It is enough that for a phenomenon that is repugnant to all reason, suffer a yoke that only you have made, it is enough to have committed, together with what belonged to them, which was not theirs, which should be inviolable and sacred - the freedom and future of others.