Monday, August 17, 2009

Samantha Anderson Filmleri

Elections "democratic"

" I do not want to rule or be ruled, I will not rule or be subject, do not want to indoctrinate or to be indoctrinated.

To me, I have never power and yet I do, to me, I pay money to the oppressor, whatever and wherever they come, and that somehow I'm always the underdog.

" What matters to me this swing that my alternatively Abbe and highlights the cowardice and depravity? What do I have to say about the government and opposition, if it is a tyranny in training and that a tyranny of fact?

Why the champion despise more than the other, when both are not concerned if not build their pleasures and their fortunes on my pain and my ruin? "

The" democratic "elections are nothing more than FRAUD!

said, afrontaré the situation without worrying about the feelings of fear or of hope that dreams can push once in a while for me or against me, to evoke the monarchy and the prophets of democratic dictatorship. Using the inalienable right to give me my title of citizen and my interest as a human being, reasoning without passion and without weakness; austere as my right, calm as my feelings tell:

Every individual in this state of affairs puts in the ballot box a ballot for the election of a legislature or an executive (or call a referendum, "Democratic Party" or whatever you want to call it) is, if not willingly, at least out of ignorance, if not directly at least indirectly, a bad citizen. I affirm that without taking a syllable.

Introducing the issue this way, I once disengage from the democratic, pursuing the completion of the electoral monopoly, and the governmentality Republicans, making the formation of political power a product of common law.

not really fall into isolation, "which, moreover, worry me slightly," if not in the middle of the vast democratic core, over a third of registered voters, with one abstention that protests continued against the unworthy and miserable fate that they suffered, for years the ambition and smelly no less despicable violence of the parties and freeloaders, so it is correct to say that political powers are not anticipating more than a third of the citizens of so-called country.

third is to this that I am writing because there agree to this, there is no fear that votes on the pretext of preserving, or servile ignorance vote for vote, there exists the philosophical serenity based on a peaceful conscience useful work, production is not interrupted, dark merit, courage modest.

parties have called bad citizens these wise and serious philosophers of the material, which mix the Saturnalia of the plot, the parties have a horror of political indifference, non-porous metal can corrode any domination.

is time to pay attention to these Legionaries of abstinence, because it is between them is the truth, is among them that freedom resides, so exclusively, so absolutely, that this freedom will be achieved for humanity if not day the whole town imitate their example.

To clarify the show I'm doing, I consider two things: first, what is the purpose of political vote? Second what must inevitably be the result?

The political vote is twofold, direct and indirect: the first is to build a power, the second is, once constituted it, "free citizens and reduce burdens on them, and also do them justice."

That is, if I remember correctly, the stated goal of political vote, as the interior. Here there is no question as regards the exterior, so going to vote, voters recognize that it is free and attributed to him through whom the power to release rate, confesses that he is depressed and admits that the power is again the strength of to rise, states want the institution of justice and gives their delegates all authority to judge.

Fine, but recognize one or more men these capabilities do not you put my freedom, my wealth and my right out of me? Is not formally admit that he or she can liberate men, back-up and judge, are likewise able to oppress, ruin, bad judge?

And even they can not do otherwise, considering that to them is transferred all my rights, I now I have none and that protecting the right, if you do not protect themselves.

If I ask someone something, I admit that this is what I ask, would be absurd that he made a request to get something that is already in my possession. If I had to use my freedom, my fortune, my right not to ask it would anyone. If I ask them, probably because it possesses and, if so, do not see at all clear what my choices will have to receive about using them as it thinks fit.

But how is that power is in possession of what belongs to me? How do you succeed? Power, as exemplified by what lies ahead, is constituted by the lord "Don guy" who, only yesterday, was a poor outcast without much freedom, and more money than freedom for seven hundred fifty "Jupiters" thundering that "dresses like everyone else and not certainly more beautiful, "a few months ago talked with us, and not better than us, bear say," seven or eight ministers and their acolytes, most of them, before pulling the strings of the country's finances, pulling the tail of the devil with such obstinacy as a clerk either.

What has happened to these poor wretches of yesterday are my patterns today? How is it that these gentlemen in power which have been freely disposed of, all wealth, all justice? Who should be responsible for the persecution, the impositions, the evils we suffer all of us? Voters, of course!

The Court Supreme Elections Board, which was the one who started getting into the dance, the president, who continues the implementation, and the Legislature, which has strengthened the orchestra, this was not done alone. No, this is the result of voting and elections. To all those who have voted once in their lives have the responsibility of what has happened and what will follow. We libertarians labor and abstinence, we accept that responsibility.

between us Do not look for solidarity with the oppressive laws, regulations, inquisitorial, political assassinations, extrajudicial police, the privamientos of freedom, evictions, deportations ... the immense crisis that is crushing humanity. Go and beat their chests and prepare for trial in the history of mankind, government maniacs!

Our conscience is clear. It is enough that for a phenomenon that is repugnant to all reason, suffer a yoke that only you have made, it is enough to have committed, together with what belonged to them, which was not theirs, which should be inviolable and sacred - the freedom and future of others.


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