Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What Kind Of Doctor Is A Hip Doctor?

for Humanity Village

With each dawn my mind wonders why anti-style - life is engendered in modern society today, but that has been developed as a dusty spider web over the centuries, hidden behind the banner of industrial development, technology, religion and other monsters that uses the state to govern the weak of thought.

And no wonder that in the short years of my life, my thoughts always led me to the same conclusion: people need to get rid of ancestral ties that follow us day by day as a dismal curse, placing a label beings condemned to eternal death and a declining life filled with pain and worsening ills, thus making it necessary for a state to distribute justice more blind blind-just-a left and right. Supposedly

I have tattooed the stigma for the simple fact that the first humans who walked on the planet ate some kind of forbidden fruit, some theologians called stray waste their lives debating whether it was an apple or some kind of magic bean growing through the roof! But I do fuck I care about the menu or the food they consumed the happy people who saw the first sunset on Earth.

When I was born I did not know evil or good, just had to grow up to live free, happy, to enjoy this life rich and lush making appropriate use of the greatest creation of the universe: reason, thought.

But soon I was surrounded by the strangest prejudices, fears and psychological barriers, school taught me to refine the misuse of mind, I learned to lie, to compete against my fellow humans, to cheat to achieve cunning recognition based on the capitalist system consumer who specializes in corrupting and create McCabe, handlers at any price.

why society will not let me grow as a natural human being, learning from the example of Mother Nature wise, old trees that fosters healthy and strong?

How different would today's society if we let out all the educational system, the entire banking system, stock values, free trade, immigration, tax collection, including tithes and offerings collected by the different "churches" which are nothing more than international corporations and the worst.

Making unnecessary products to improve the lives of real people, turf wars over borders that exist only in the imagination of some military eunuch, widespread crime that is sponsored by consumerism and mass production of banknotes to style of some stupid board game that gives more value to a portfolio full of paper before feeding a child or life of human beings.

it could I continue to write examples of all things stupid and pointless negative that I see around me, to fill the hard drive of my computer, but I think the important thing is to communicate the human being, no, NO we are sinners condemned to lakes of fire and brimstone.

Nor are "dumb animals", although some spiders and worms seem to have more reason that the politicians who run the nations, "doomed to fight for the law of the concrete jungle where it has more brute force, and will call the police, army or priests, but always been the one who survives and is revered as a great example for future generations.

We need not accept such a fate of self - destruction, which I gather will be a mass suicide at worst catastrophic proportions the largest genocide ever known, we use the most powerful organ of our complex and wonderful human body: the brain.

The reason must tell us the simple path that leads to happiness, through solidarity and cooperation with our fellow human beings.


great benefits of the feed an orphaned boy who does not even know, that instead of working long hours to buy a CD player team that ultimately leaves us empty inside a bulb.

pleasure and mental well provide us plant and care for trees, plant flowers and how much we refresh the view that instead of borrowing from the banking system in order to build high walls to prevent another person from taking what we bought work with enslaved under the yoke of capitalist consumerist system.

Instead of fighting a lifetime to attain a level or higher social class, I must exhaust the source of wealth of these oligarchic spivs and profiteers who deal with building their pleasures and fortunes on my pain and my ruin.

Instead of pondering the quickest way to a successful career in government or a multinational corporation, I overthrow the undue power that gives these institutions the capitalist system through the government and the opposition, where it is a tyranny in training and that a tyranny of fact.

Instead of living day after day under the finger of religion we should bury once and for all their virgins and bigots that condemn us to eternal death, we also massacred with endless religious wars.

Live life like a rational human being, not thinking of doing good or evil, just live the moment with joy, optimism and beautiful sentiment to preserve the human being as such and all that surrounds us for real benefit from it.

Live free from the anguish and theological discussions of eternal life only gives you the best of every living being connected to you whether directly or indirectly to obtain joy and peace as you will not find in any other activity or heavenly paradise, for when we die, God takes care of its own affairs, only He knows what to expect really.

If there is an afterlife as a reward, will come the day so enjoy and if after death there is nothing more ... it is the joy we have experienced this short life to the fullest, in a rational way, taking every opportunity to fight on behalf of our more important legacies: the human race and nature.


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