Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Have A Flesh Colored Mole

Anarchist Anarchism in Costa Rica (Part One)

A libertarian culture just over 100 years supports the anarchist praxis today share the anarchists Costa Rica. Some researchers say that by the nineteenth century had already been done in Costa Rica present anarchist ideas clearly and explicitly.

The study of the ideas of Antonio Zambrana, socialist and anarchist, placed him as one who could be the first systematic expositor of anarchist thought in the country. Other data also indicate that since the early twentieth century until 1920, many intellectuals in this small country, were passionate about the thought of L. Tolstoy and anarchism.

Nor would

doing justice to the history of anarchism in Costa Rica, if I forget the influence of French emigrants, who in 1920 established a colony in Parrita anarchist with the contribution and influence of English Anselmo Lorenzo, Carlos Malato and globetrotting Russian anarchist Peter Kropotkin present in some of the publications of the labor sector, local hand craft and intellectual.

Mario Oliva historian, says that as early twentieth-century reformist socialist tendencies had considerable weight in our craftsmen and workers, between 1909 and 1914 this position was well established and influenced the direction of the labor movement, but from 1911 onwards had to cope with the increasing anarchist organization that quickly lit in broad sectors of urban workers and number of intellectuals.

In this context, to ferment and rise of anarchist thought and action in Costa Rica, establishing a cultural and political platform tends from the second decade of the twentieth century, to confront both liberalism and reformist socialism .

The influence of anarchism "Creole" was crucial to the Costa Rican labor movement, anarchism, which should emphasize the class character who gave the fight, its internationalism, the concept of autonomy and class consciousness on the labor movement and worker in the world.

proliferated between 1909 and 1914 study centers, public libraries, night schools for workers, circulation of books, newspapers socialist and labor organizations. All this came from their own capabilities and efforts.

were also the years in which each member unit labor movement apparently begins to fracture and develop in different ways. Some be integrated into the dominant system. The other, in part influenced by thought and action from anarchism, tended to deepen the disagreements and contradictions with the order of things established.

appears that the mature positioning Costa Rican and international anarchist ideology, is accomplished through creation of the Germinal Center for Social Studies in early 1912. Center whose proposal and proletarian cultural perspective were: combating social prejudice, religious and political that slowed the evolution of workers and the development of the individual.

Today, from a perspective on the essence of which is read first principles of the Germinal Center for Social Studies of mid-century, the Organization intends to resume Rican anarchist anarchist ideology original Germinal Center, and from reading date of the Costa Rican social and cultural reality, develop a proposal (cultural and educational) integral with the times and the urgent needs of social transformation of the national environment which we participate.

The ideology of Germinal Center for Social Studies, is alive, it makes a call to renew, revive your essence and action from a proposal and current anarchist perspective ...


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