Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pinky Free Trailer Clips

What is Anarchism

Anarchism is NOT dressed like walking out of a Tim Burton movie, walking is NOT kicking trash cans and scaring ladies in the street, it is not Satanism or listen only rock music. Anarchism is not walking from bar to bar, drugging and doing what gives me the fucking win, the true anarchist fighting, bleeding, crying and still fighting to death is very different.

Very few people seem to understand the anarchist although of a very simple and clear. Basically our message is to direct our lives instead of ourselves to be manipulated and do it in harmony with others.

was a movement in the past reached its greatest strength among the workers, but have also adopted other oppressed and exploited in both aspire to be released without pressing or retaliate by subjecting turn most backward groups.

There is nothing particularly difficult or violent anarchism except that something as basic as the idea of \u200b\u200bcalling each person to direct his own life becomes a subversive behavior because prevents precisely the manipulation by others, or any of the others.

We believe that freedom can not be defined and established by anyone, we experience it individually popies and live according to our highest aspirations, living only with the use of reason and common sense, which is located in the wonderful intelligence of every human being.

Hence the ridiculous objections to oppose him as "imagine the mess it would be if everyone did what I wanted, it would be chaos."

For anarchism, the source of social divisions is in the state, which is the cause that from living a fully human life, precisely because oppression that the concentration of economic and political power subject to us. Do not live now in chaos, under the laws of a corrupt state that makes us sick at all?

Millions of people lack decent occupation, while others are overworked, they work on other jobs for repetitive and routine, often harmful for us, for others or for the environment, provide benefits only to a small group against the indifference of a large majority.

This happens in all types of state system, regardless of the clothing that covers it Is not messy and irrational?. And this universality globalizing leads to impotence as it seems that nothing can be done about it.

There are people starving while food is thrown into the sea or stored to rot to maintain prices. Extremely overweight children with heart disease from eating junk food living in luxurious mansions while thousands die of cold malnourished children in the streets they know not what it is to have some breakfast.

waste resources and pollute the air for running cars too often occupied by one person, as this would benefit the owners of industry and the entire planet is in serious danger the destruction of its atmosphere, which seems inevitable because protect affects the interests of a few.

sacrifices are immediate needs for unnecessary benefits or propaganda that favor those who seek to come to state power, the religious mafia or the inhuman fauna of entrepreneurs who are exploiters of their peers.

The list of crazy, chaotic and absurd situations in today's society is endless, generated precisely by those who criticize anarchism as a source of disorder. And we are asked to sacrifice our freedom to promote this mess everyday!

The supposed "benefits" received in exchange for the existence of the state are essentially illusory, if not harmful. Health care, education, police protection are services that work poorly, but serve to make us dependent on the state and, worst of all, we bought for very little.

hold back its own initiative to create a social security self-managed and focused on our needs, not to what those in power is defined as medical care, which always leads to submission tool and that should be acknowledged as a generous gift.

In turn, social security, paid employees, creates an availability of money the most important in modern capitalism, which is used to exploit those same workers and benefit the well-heeled capitalists.

prevents the State can direct the education of our children without subjecting them to the designs of the masters of the day. Everywhere, more police to protect us from criminals are hired to monitor and control the population.

also corruption and high crime has its origin in something as illusory and invented by capitalism, the vile money. Any work that is done with public money is at a premium because the costs include the huge premiums demanded by corruption.

why I'm an anarchist, because I'm sick of all the lazy bastards government, shysters, brokers and all the pestilence that is engendered in the darkness of religion and state.

hope before I die and my bones Anarchists spend the rest, I really hope and struggle to see the disappearance of the worst enemy of humanity, the state and the church.

if my voice trails off, if my life comes to dusk without seeing that glorious day, will die standing, with his fist clenched teeth and cursing the state, the religion and their god damn ... UNTIL THE VICTORY ALWAYS!

may be contained, even silence us, but we never will see on their knees begging for our freedom.

Your freedom is not simply a right granted by the state, is something you get to fight to death just against the state.


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