Tuesday, August 18, 2009

No Cd For Roller Coaster Tycoon 3

barter Anarchism in Costa Rica (Part Two)

the end of 1909 a group of intellectuals led by Omar Dengo, Joaquín García Monge, Carmen Lira, the labor leader Juan Rafael Perez and others, founded the Germinal Center for Social Studies as a center intellectual strength for the working class. Germinal Center was installed on the second floor, near the Rambla.

Center main purposes was to establish free social science courses, conferences and public meetings, organized a library referendum, to evenings with performances of dramatic works of social propaganda, publish and contribute to the publication; establishment of centers of their nature, and establishing relationships internationally and locally with other centers of similar importance.

under his direction in 1913 organized the General Federation Workers (CGT) nationals. Germinal Center had the typical characteristics of anarchist groups, in its place was the red flag and black, where workers congregate at night in the various workshops in the capital, its rooms were hung portraits of Emile Zola and Eliseo Reclus.

Their meetings had the distinction of being informal, not boards, and members were scattered by local meeting. When you start singing a hymn libertarian called "Sons of the People."

The meeting studied the modern organizational systems workers hence came the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Federation. This center not only promoted the idea of \u200b\u200ba national organization of craftsmen and workers in the country but pushed antipatronal consciousness.

The Center helped strengthen anarchist positions, instilling in workers the anticlerical ideas, the abstention doctrine, the anti-parliamentarism and trade unionism. Ideas that came out disclosed in the journal Renewal. So anarchist ideas contributed to vehemently express the feelings of the working class against those who exploited and oppressed.

Germinal Center also developed, what they called "propaganda revolutionary ", moving to the communities, distributing leaflets, gave speeches and lectures on topics and issues of concern to workers and civilians in general.

Germinal Center since its inception who have a close and fraternal relationship with the workers and their organizations in 1913 prompted the first celebration of May Day in Costa Rica. In local Germinal Center from mid-April of that year delegates met almost all the workers' associations to prepare the celebration of May Day.

He urged the workers to suspend their work and protest against all injustices to which workers are subjected in the world, recalling the events in Chicago when American workers went on strike in 1886 to reduce the daily work to eight hours maximum, and were massacred.

organizers considered to belong to a global labor movement, which exceeded not only geographical boundaries, but religious, race, nationality and political views. This is evident both in the manifest of invitation to celebrate May Day and in the speeches delivered on the ground.

no lack of obstacles to the realization of this event class, however this May 1 led to concentration of force and the working class in Costa Rica. It is based on the tradition of the working class and intellectual anarchist OAC, promotes the restoration of what hereinafter referred Germinal Center Anarchist Studies in Costa Rica.

Anarchist Studies Center Germinal is in its original conception, claimed by the Anarchist Communist Organization of Costa Rica, as the body responsible for the extent and spread anarchist political and ideological as well as the social and cultural anarchist,

as we made the Germinal Centers in Costa Germinal Centers Rica and elsewhere worldwide.

of the principles of CEAG:

mutual support,
human solidarity, self-management
Respect for cultural diversity and difference,
coolaborativo cooperative work,
Direct democracy, decentralization and

participation are guiding principles of a society and a lifestyle anarchist, these are guidelines or guiding principles of Anarchist Studies Germinal Center.

of its objectives and main actions:
The Germinal Center for Anarchist Studies is a body responsible for training and development of the / as members of the OAC.
Search free participation of its members in outreach activities, social and cultural dissemination of anarchist worldview.
To this end seek to articulate the material and intellectual resources of international and local anarchist heritage.
The CEAG seek to foster and promote activities within the framework of a libertarian culture.
support CEAG THE conscious and militant in their activities the OAC in Costa Rica.
The CEAG, is an active and consistent libertarian tradition of germinal centers and libertarian in the global context. will
CEAG symbols and emblems, all those used and claimed by the global libertarian culture which will identify members free.
research local anarchist history, publications and support for anarchist propaganda initiatives as well as the study and ongoing training of its members, shall be of permanent interest for the CEAG.
Disclosure printed on the activities and actions to be taken will be made by the body form of the OAC, call Anarchist Newspaper agitated mind.


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